Following a similar narrative to its predecessor (Fuwari! Donpatch), Honnori! Donpatch is a slice of life involving Beauty living with Donpatch. Here, however, it is not a parody, but more a pastiche of Kiyohiko Azuma\'s beloved slice of life series Yostuba&!
What if the person you liked was the same gender? A beautiful girl suddenly appeared in front of the main character, Yuji! But what's her real identity...!? A new generation love comedy that questions “true love” in between tales of laughter and sadness.
Izumi Mitsu\'s oneshot that preceeding \"Magus of the Library\" manga. Published in Jump SQ issue May 2014.
It is a divine ritual, a martial art, a combat sport—it\'s sumo!! A \"small\" new student, Ushio Hinomaru, appears before the weak little sumo club of Oodachi High School! The words \"big\" and \"heavy\" are the rules to this sport, which does not fit this newbie any inch, but this guy goes and does what…!? Ushio and the small sumo club climbs its way to the top! The goal is Hinoshita Kaisan (a title for the highest rank in professional sumo, equivalent of Yokozuna)! A fired up high school sumo tale—no retakes allowed!!
When Oogami-san was confessed to by one of the three dog eared girls Cer Ber and Us they became friends and started hanging out together. Will this friendship eventually turn into love!? A love story between the three physically identical girls who have totally different personalities and the beautiful lone wolf.
From ANN: The story revolves around Tomoya Mizuhara, a 13-year-old boy who suddenly gains a big sister when his father remarries. 17-year-old Ichika is a little strange, and her affection for Tomoya is rather overwhelming, if not scary. On top of things, Ichika's friend Ruri is the ultimate sadist. Then there is Ichika's big-breasted quarter-Japanese friend Marina.
From Kawa Scans: Distributing thrilling videos in secret. A school game that puts life and death on the line.
Exiled soldiers from Zeon join the E.F.S.F. and form a unit called \"Aggressor.\"
A Holy Grail War has broken out in Koha-Ace! After managing to avoid getting axed again and again, some miracle has allowed for a third volume of Koha-Ace! The mysterious new Servant designed by Takashi Takeuchi, Sakura Saber, is a storm of romance who will play an active role! We\'ll show you the real power of Koha-Ace. (Third Volume of Koha-Ace, following Koha-Ace+)