This manga is partly inspired by the real-life Japanese horse bandit, Hakuro Kohinata, and depicts the tumultuous life of Kensaku Ohinata, who moved to China at a young age, was kidnapped by a group of horse bandits, but rose to prominence among their ranks and eventually grew up to unite a number of them under the name of Xiao Dongyang. Kensaku\'s adventurous spirit and ambition, as well as his positive, brave personality, can sometimes lead to light-hearted mischief, but as he matures into a young man, he grows to experience bouts of delusion. Regarded as one of Mitsuteru Yokoyama\'s most realistic and human works, this manga draws inspiration from another real-life Japanese horse bandit: Date Junnosuke, thus vividly depicting the reality of Chinese horse bandits.
His family name is Suke and his given name is Banji, but he\'s known as Sukeban. Any town the Suke clan settles in just can\'t contain the violent nature of this family, forcing them to move time and time again. Because of his name, Banji ends up transferring to Amazon School as a female student! However, this situation coupled with Sukeban\'s rebellious nature undoubtedly will result in mayhem littered with maddening jokes and lewdity. The manga has been adapted into two live-action films and an OVA.
It is the Sengoku period. ZubaBan is a wild child who is unbeatable in physical strength, he can easily swing around his giant sword and cut down hordes of enemies! Then, suddenly, Jeanne d\'Arc, a knight clad in western armor appears, along with Kanchohi, who came from China (?), and the invincible warrior Golongo. This colorful punch joins forces in hopes of uniting Japan! Zubaban is unbeatable in hand-to-hand combat, but soon the gears of strange fate turn...!? A thrilling, super-period drama depicted on a grand scale!
It is the Sengoku period. ZubaBan, a wild child who is unbeatable in physical strength, easily swings around his giant sword and cuts down the hordes of enemies! Then, suddenly, Jeanne d\'Arc, a knight clad in western armor, appears, along with Kanchohi, who came from China (?), and the invincible warrior Golongo. This colorful punch joins forces to unite Japan! Zubaban is unbeatable in hand-to-hand combat, but soon the gears of strange fate turn...!? A thrilling, super-period drama depicted on a grand scale!