A land with out magic, dou-qi, martial arts, but have essence spirits. This is the combat continent 10 000 years after the formation of Tang Sect. A new hero and his friend walks the land, a new “Seven Monsters of Shrek“, will they keep up the name of the Tang Sect? Or will it crumble due to a new essence system? 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Read manhwa The Cute Little Saintess / 부스러기 성녀님
I thought I am just a one liner unnamed commoner extra. Until the villainous duke, who is known to kill every town he get into, came in to light and is in pursuit of a single young lady. “Duke Cedric is already halfway through the Empire. I heard he’s coming to this area this month.” Why is the bloody duke is looking for his youngest sister who disappeared five years ago? “Rose hair and golden eyes.” That sister’s description is the same as mine. I think my life is ruined. *** I then became the young lady known to be the youngest child of a villainous duke who is planning to kidnap and detain the heroine. After this, I am going to live like a calm water silent flowing and will run away. Because I didn’t want to get involved in this crazy political drama in this damn novel. But… why is everything so weird? “Our Amelle, you don’t look so happy. Do you want me to buy an island and build a villa for you?” My first brother, who kills people in normal day, is so impatient to give me something. “Our baby, can you just throw that away and live with your brother. I think I don’t like being a wizard better than I thought. Isn’t it?” The second child, who left the house ten years ago to become a wizard without any hesitation, came back again and keep himself attached to me. “Don’t turn your eyes on the other one, Amelia.” Even the world’s worst villain, who decreased the population of the continent in half in the original story, is interested in me. “I’m sorry, gentlemen, but I’m taking the Young Lady with me today.” No, even the heroine, whom I should kidnap, is kidnapping me instead? All these humans must be crazy. I’m just an extra. Would you mind getting away from me please?
From Chinatown KM: Bai Pingting has always been unable to believe the saying “a woman’s virtue is ignorance”. She is a maid of Jing Anwang, but she lives even better than some wealthly women. She is also wiser than most men and she hopes for a higher intellect. Even if that man is an enemy, both are full of lies and conspiracies. She is not fond of that man. But between a choice of love and loyalty, she will begin to think that she isn’t as meaningful as she once thought she was…
Years ago, vampire Im Sooyi immersed herself in the human world and found true love that quenched her thirst for blood. Fast forward to the present, she is now the mother of three very handsome boys; the reliable oldest, Seunghyun, the playboy CEO, Yusung, and the trouble-maker youngest, Hyesung. Although they are half-human, they still have some vampire traits that are hard to shake off. Will these boys be able to find happiness amongst the humans, as their mother did?
Therefore, stalking within our company is prohibited.” SA Company CEO Park Si-an. 188cm tall, looks like a celebrity uppercut! Estimated assets: XXX billion won! 3rd generation real tycoon! He has been suffering from vicious stalking lately! The likely culprit is Ye Da-min, an employee of the same company’s support team. With her round eyes like a rabbit, who seems to be at the bottom of the food chain, is she really a stalker of Xi’an? Their relationship is full of doubts, misunderstandings and errors! The secret stalker arrest operation begins! In-house stalking is prohibited / Dilarang menguntit di rumah
summary I was an abandoned child in the slums. One day, I didn’t know my parents’ faces and there were more days of starving than days of eating. A stigmata suddenly appeared on the back of my hand. …I guess God made a mistake. * * * Eden Baroque Empire Breaking News! Finally, after 100 years, the oracle of Saint Bethcherian V comes down! She was 5 years old She was 5 years old She was not 5 years old She was 5 years old… … ? “We are attending a noble saint. Please follow God’s will, slay demons, bring world peace, and guide us who are in need.” They knelt before me, who was barely over 100 centimeters tall. Bringing world peace to a five-year-old. Is this true? Description A girl was left in a slum without parents but she found her own family. As always, she was hungry but happy to play around with her friend but a mark of holiness suddenly show up. Now the five-year-old girl is expected to carry a god’s will and save the world by killing an evil beast.
I just wanted to be loved. After awakening the power of an alchemist, he constantly made gold for his family on the verge of bankruptcy. Even though I know it’s a life-saver. But when she died of attempted murder, no one was with her. Wearing the dress bought with her life, the younger sister shed false tears in the Crown Prince’s arms. The third awakening accomplished by being pecked by a bird’s beak. Milvia got her hands on the time. Returning to the past, she has only one year left to live. I will take revenge in it. So I spent the night with a man called a mad knight. A man who had only been given the baron title now. The only price for giving her unimaginable wealth is to keep her by her side and pretend to love her. I will give you everything my family originally had. Just don’t let me fall apart while I get my revenge. …… But why does a proposal come from a peasant family that is said to dominate the dark district? “Do not be discouraged, for you are worthy of your own praise.” He gently strokes his cheek with the back of his hand. It was the firm hand characteristic of the one holding the sword. The moment when he suddenly felt that he was a ‘man’. Milvia’s face heated up to the point that it felt like it was too much. “I hate hypocrisy very much.” Deius pressed his thumb to her lower lip and rubbed it in a strange way. Milvia froze, unable to breathe, and was bound by his gaze. “Don’t pretend to be good, pretend not to give up. The truth is, I want to live if I can live by killing others.” His words became a dagger and pierced his heart. Knowing that her breath was trembling, Deius did not stop talking. “Tell me you want to kill me, Milvia.” “……” “If you say that, even if I kill the saint, I will save you.” His whispering smile was terribly seductive. …… To the point where I really want to live. How Can a Time-Limited Evil Gain Her Vengeance? / La vengeance de la faiseuse d’or (French) / 余命わずかな悪女が復讐する方法 / 倒计时恶女的复仇计划 / 시한부 악녀가 복수하는 방법 / The Villainess’s Road to Revenge [Official]
Summary: 시한부 악녀가 복수하는 방법 I just wanted to be loved. After awakening the power of an alchemist, he constantly made gold for his family on the verge of bankruptcy. Even though I know it’s a life-saver. But when she died of attempted murder, no one was with her. Wearing the dress bought with her life, the younger sister shed false tears in the Crown Prince’s arms. The third awakening accomplished by being pecked by a bird’s beak. Milvia got her hands on the time. Returning to the past, she has only one year left to live. I will take revenge in it. So I spent the night with a man called a mad knight. A man who had only been given the baron title now. The only price for giving her unimaginable wealth is to keep her by her side and pretend to love her. I will give you everything my family originally had. Just don’t let me fall apart while I get my revenge. …… But why does a proposal come from a peasant family that is said to dominate the dark district?
대공과 후작 사이에 친구가 어디 있어 / 대공과 후작 사이에 친구가 어디 있어? One peaceful day, her first ordeal comes before her. Instead of the other twin Ordo , who was sick, she must attend the meeting with the a prince of her age. “I don’t want to go! Why do I have to pretend to be Ordo?” “Hey, Ovette. I’ll buy you the telescope you said you wanted to have last time.” “Mom, I will become Ordo more perfectly than anyone else.” Ovette entered the imperial palace with everything ready. And there, she gets involved with a strange person who is not even the prince. I’m not going to see you again anyway, so I applied the medicine properly… “You are the only son of Archduke Rehovem, how did you become friends with someone like that again?” I beg your pardon… … ? For some reason, I have a feeling that I’m going to be terribly entangled with Rehovem. “I wish you all the best in the future, the future of Alphonse.” No, wait! Where is the friendship between the Archduke and the Marquis?
The useless maid, Marie, has never been able to do anything correctly. But, after caring for a dying prisoner, she becomes a person she had always wanted to be. This is the start of the capable maid, Marie.
Eurenia, the eldest daughter of Count Vincent. It is well known that she lost her sight and voice when she saved her godfather Euclid from a fire. But the truth behind it is that she self-medicated to harm her body. Use this as an excuse to marry the godfather’s son, duke Euclid. But in the end she was used like a puppet in the earl’s hands, then discarded and died as a side effect of the drug. She thought that was the end, but no. When she opened her eyes, she was back 4 months ago. She thought that now she must divorce the duke, who was forced to marry her. Then go find a cure… “Is the reason you’ve been avoiding me all this time just because you’re afraid of being discovered?” His purple pupils persistently carved into her body. “Isn’t it because you hate me?” Suddenly his eyes turned red. “Can I come near you now?” The ears are also red. My tyrant’s husband somehow became cautious / 폭군 남편이 어쩐지 조신 해졌다