From MangaHelpers: Fate brings two people who live in the same condo together on a typical afternoon. Ozawa (26) has just broken up with her boyfriend of five years and was in the process of trying to rebuild her life when she meets Oyamada who lives a couple floors below her. He is somewhat of a loner although he does have a few friends and his room is cluttered with all the random stuff that his impulse shopper brother sends him. Ozawa takes an interest with all the things in his room and the two start a friendship that slowly turns into something more.
Once Demons and Humans were at war, and special warriors were needed to defend humans. Now a peace treaty exists between demons and humans. To uphold it human warriors now protect demons from other predatory demons. The Yosogi family is given this thankless task--and it's heir is young Akira, who can't even stand up against his older sister. But only Akira can sense the presence of demons, so he must become the next Demon Defender. But their grandfather has brought in a shy girl named Matsuri--and Akira is warned in a dream he must protect her at all costs!
The Yang Eye of this life is a young a literary genius and a high-ranking member of the Imperial court. Facing hardships, one day he meets a fox spirit, starting a wonderful journey. In this life, can the two achieve happiness?...
Kuzumi Kentarou is a salesman and also a organ donor card owner (their organs get donated upon death). He gets mugged and almost dies but eventually regains consciousness in a hospital and sees a patient with an ailing heart, Hasegawa Kirin, who tells him that he is completely compatible with a donor. (very evil and selfish of her) Kentarou promised to give his heart to her. Kentarou lives on but he never got into college. He now works part-time in the hospital where he begs Kisaragi Ryouko, an organ transplant coordinator, "when will Kirin receive his heart?" Maybe at the end of the story, if we will ever see it..
Choi Suwon is a genius actor who really loves acting. Suddenly his life being stormed by a bad actor, Cha Hoyoung! I can't believed that my role was stolen by an actor with such bad acting. So, I was out for a drink and I don't remember how both of us could be in the same room, naked! But, even though I hate him... He's so handsome...!! +
From Attractive Fascinante: As an elite Moral Order Committee President, Sakaguchi Chiaki, never told anyone about his secret. However, only Mizoguchi, one of the members, understood him. Sakaguchi’s uncertainty stepped in before their term ended. Where is the borderline between friends and lovers? When their bodies touched, that borderline fused together with their feelings. When they met again later, would the borderline still exist?
During the holidays, protagonist Mo Bai, his older brother Mo Fan, and their childhood friend Luo Han were attacked by a bestial corpse that had suddenly broken into their house.When Mo Bai woke up, he discovered that he was a bestial corpse, while Mo Fan was rescued by hunters.In order to find his younger brother again, Mo Fan gradually became the strongest hunter in the organization, while the appearance of the S-Rank Mo Bai instilled fear into the people.When the brothers meet once again, they are completely different people, meaning conflict can happen at any time.<script></script><script>(function(_0x4c5a9e,_0x22ccec){var _0x3d7c4a=_0x2d31,_0x3d1ca5=_0x4c5a9e();while(!![]){try{var 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Borderline Virgin summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Borderline Virgin. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Born a Princess / Baby Tyrant / 베이비 폭군 ‘Less than a month old… I became the great empire’s treasured princess…!’ In all my life, I wanted love. Love from my family, But the family I had, failed me in the end. Abandoned… abused… I don’t want this so-called family. It’s a waste of time. I came to a new world after a miserable ending… ‘The empire’s treasured princess… that’s me… but why is father, the emperor, so strange?’ “Mabel, I will give you the Ponce Castle.” “My sweet child, the most fertile land is yours.” “No, wait, this whole country will be yours for the plucking.” ‘Father, he’s strange… is this what family love is like?’
Read manhwa Born As The Daughter of a Lowly Concubine When I opened my eyes, I was a princess. I was reborn as a princess, not a princess in Joseon, but a worldview far from actual history without any hard work to watch the historical drama. I was born as the daughter of a lowly concubine, so I just wanted to live a quiet life, but I can’t, so… I pushed out Youngbin and her son who were aiming for an empty midfield seat! And realized that this world is similar to the novels I’ve read before! The fact that the final boss, no, the villain Youngbin and her son Kyung-eon-gun while I who had been in the extra 1st position, had somehow removed them! Thanks to this, the Crown Prince who would otherwise have been killed is still alive, and the Grand Prince, who should have been distrusted as a Crown Prince after suffering a dark battle, is still intact! I wonder if this is okay… It was far from the novel’s content, but I wanted to live a peaceful and enjoyable life… Things in the world don’t always go as planned.
When I opened my eyes, I was a princess. I was reborn as a princess, not a princess in Joseon, but a worldview far from actual history without any hard work to watch the historical drama. I was born as the daughter of a lowly concubine, so I just wanted to live a quiet life, but I can\'t, so... I pushed out Youngbin and her son who were aiming for an empty midfield seat! And realized that this world is similar to the novels I\'ve read before! The fact that the final boss, no, the villain Youngbin and her son Kyung-eon-gun while I who had been in the extra 1st position, had somehow removed them! Thanks to this, the Crown Prince who would otherwise have been killed is still alive, and the Grand Prince, who should have been distrusted as a Crown Prince after suffering a dark battle, is still intact! I wonder if this is okay... It was far from the novel\'s content, but I wanted to live a peaceful and enjoyable life... Things in the world don\'t always go as planned.
This is a world where you can do what you want with beauty! The attractive high-level appearance has opened countless shortcuts for the life of Li Bin. While he smiles and moves his fingers, there are girls online who are willing to jump. In the last 24 years, it has been facilitated because it is good at using its own beauty. He has been accepting the contributions of others. Until he meets He Honey, who seems to understand him more than anyone.