From Random Scanlations: On in his right, his index on a trigger. On his left, a wedding ring. That is Tokichi's new life. A shy and clumsy salaryman, forced to become a hitman overnight. A double life: bowing during the day and gunfighting at night.
Gambling. Mahjong. Death. These are the themes of this fast-paced, undercover-agent-style manga where outrageous life-or-death gambles are made daily occurences and insurmountable odds are overcome. The most hardcore, action-packed mahjong manga you will ever see.
1-6) Heita was secretly in love with his classmate, Komai, and was found out by the infirmary sensei, Tsuge. Tsuge threatened Heita, “If you want me to keep it a secret, you'd have to listen to me.” From then on, Heita lets Tsuge have his way with him. Soon, Heita found that his rationality could no longer restrain his own overwhelming urge and desire. Did he fall in love with Tsuge? 7) Untold Love A moment of kindness in a train station made Miyami Shigo pay attention to shy bespeckled Maki Shuuichi. But when they meet again, Maki doesn't remember Miyami, and is cold towards him. 8) Moonlight Melody Edgar Lockwood is a beautiful young man with light hair and porcelain skin, so he's a favorite object of affection at the all boy's school he attends. Problem is, Edgar is straight, and all this male attention is totally unwanted! He even has to have a bodyguard in the form of childhood friend/servant Dick Clay. When Edgar gets the bright idea to tell everyone they're dating to repel his admirers, it's the perfect solution to his problem... right? 9) A Certain Day in Winter Heita, Komai, Tsuge all end up at Imayasu's place for hotpot. Sure, why not.
A story of a black cat who wants to taxidermy the head of a young girl.
A young girl with a pair of bone braids who was regarded as an evil thing, accidentally got hit on her head by a dragon egg. Turns out there is a little dragon baby. They travel together to find their own home with two adorable creatures. 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Read “The Male Lead’s Boyfriend Is Obsessed With Me” Online At Best Manga Website Description About “The Male Lead’s Boyfriend Is Obsessed With Me”: I Was Transmigrated Into A A Dark And Melodramatic Bl Novel. Moreover, I Became The Villainess Who Was Madly In Love With The Obsessive Male Lead, The Boss Of Baekcheon, And Died In The First Encounter With The Main Characters! I Thought About Changing Their Love Story, Which Ended With The Death Of My Favourite Schemer, Into A Happy Ending! “Let’s Go Together, To My Hell.” What? Did My Favourite Character Just Kidnap Me? “I Like You,” “But This Is Too Much.” To Ensure That The Story Unfolded Just Like It Did The Novel, I Tried To Seduce My Favourite Character Just Enough That He Would Hesitate To Kill Me. “Why Do You Like Me?” But Something Feels Off. “Just Try Running Away. That’s If You Can, Princess.” “I’ve Got My Eyes On You Right Now, I’ll Go Crazy If You Do.” The Male Lead’s Boyfriend Has Started Obsessing Over Me. “Please, Yeonbyeol…” “Don’t Abandon Me…” So Dangerous And Dizzying, It’s Impossible To Escape! Associated Names: 남주의 남자친구가 내게 집착한다 The Place To Read “The Male Lead’s Boyfriend Is Obsessed With Me”: Welcome To Mangazin, The Fantastic World For Manga Enthusiasts. Here, You’ll Find All The Manga You Need With The Highest Quality. What’s Even More Amazing Is That Reading Manga On Mangazin Is Entirely Free. Don’t Hesitate Any Longer And Start Reading “The Male Lead’s Boyfriend Is Obsessed With Me” At Mangazin! Additionally, You Can Also Read Trending Manhwa, Trending Manhua, Trending Comics, And More For Free Here!
The story revolves around Kaiman, who does not remember who he was before he was transfigured by a Magic user. This transformation left him with a reptile's head, and a desire to find out the truth about who he really is. Accompanied by Nikaido, his female companion, he tracks down Magic Users in "The Hole" and unceremoniously chomps down on their head, hoping to find out who it was that put him in this state. One by one, they witness this "second man" inside the head of Kaiman, and after pulling them back out of his mouth he asks them all a question... "What did the guy inside my head say?"
What happens when a person with supernatural powers, meets person with great terrorism idea? Find out yourself. This is a horror story in which the protagonist, Makoto, appears to be a normal kid and live a happy life, although in reality it is fed by anger and hatred. What is their secret then? From Baka-Updates: Makoto is a quiet, unobtrusive boy with passable looks and average grades. The last thing he expects is to be noticed by Yuuki - a model student who is as popular as he is notorious for his brilliance, his looks...and his uncanny knack for always having his way with everyone. Thus begins the fateful partnership between a nondescript high-school student with budding supernatural powers and an intelligent, charming young terrorist-in-the-making.
Billy Bat is a comic-in-a-comic and the real protagonist is a Japanese-American artist named Kevin Yamagata who draws Billy Bat for "Marble Comics". Shortly after they transition to the artist in his studio with his assistant, two actual detectives, who look like Laurel and Hardy in Dick Tracy era suits and trench coats, knock on the door and appropriate Kevin's room for the purpose of conducting surveillance on a room in an adjacent building. One of the detectives, the skinny “Laurel”, sees Kevin's work and it turns out he's a Billy Bat fan. The other chubby "Hardy" detective picks up a page and says that the characters look familiar and accuses Kevin of translating an old "Jap" comic. As Hardy remembers the comic he thinks Kevin is ripping off, we make another Urasawaesque time jump to 1949 Tokyo and the chapter ends.
Ergo Proxy: Centzon Hitchers and Undertaker summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Ergo Proxy: Centzon Hitchers and Undertaker. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
From Webtoon Live and Shiro Nabi: "Welcome to Survival, 'I Am Unhappy,' the exciting game show to find the world's unhappiest person! The grand prize... is a wish granted by God!" When the victor of the game show wishes for the end of the world, God accepts this wish with a set condition: the world's end would proceed over the course of 100 days, and during that time, he is allowed to 'change his mind' only once. Oh Duk Hee, a quirky comic artist who specializes in unhappiness, is chosen by God to to make the unhappiest person on Earth happy again. With the pressure of mankind's destruction riding on her shoulders, will she be able to change his mind before it's too late? The competition to choose the world's unhappiest human?! The hybrid school fantasy action story by Jung Pil Won!
[From NetComics]: Ordinary high school girl Jina discovers that she is heir to a terrible legacy handed down from her family's sinister history. Long ago, her ancestors killed a magical serpent known as an Imugi, believing that it would bring them good luck. Unfortunately, the creature cursed them as it died, decreeing that one family member of each generation for that day forth will be killed by two people closely acquainted with that person. One of Jina's relatives has been murdered without fail in every generation, and now, Jina has been informed that she will be next to die.