In a bustling slum during the Mid-Ming Dynasty, an ambitious locksmith named Xiao is approached by a group of thieves with a mysterious, ornate safe. What starts as a routine job soon leads Xiao on a dangerous journey tied to an ancient secret hidden within the powerful Yuan family. When he discovers a noble girl trapped inside the safe—and a promise of unimaginable riches—Xiao must navigate deceit, family legacies, and his own morality to uncover the true meaning of wealth and sacrifice. A gripping one-shot blending action, drama, and heartfelt bonds, this story will leave readers pondering the value of freedom, love, and the treasures that can’t be bought.
We are sad to inform you that our member \"Yumemomo\" has passed away. Our idol of choice has died. In front of the wisdom of idol otaku who cannot accept the reality, Yumemomo, who was supposed to be dead, appears as a ghost.
Chapter 8 in Naver\'s 2023 Rookie Short Story Collection (2023 루키 단편선).