In a society where people with monster dominate, high school student Makoto Tatara has a friend in this unusual world. Her name is Toko Meisen. Having a beautiful girl as a friend might make any guy envious... but there’s a twist—she is a ghost, a spirit-like existence! Their bond is one of \"Soul-mates\" (friends who share life energy). To make things even more chaotic, her sense of personal boundaries is completely broken, leading her to naturally do some rather suggestive things! Can Tatara maintain his friendship with Meisen, or will things take an unexpected turn? Note: Depending on audience feedback, this might turn into a full series!
More ratventures from Tamura. --- Published in Bikkuri House November 1979.
Leviathan, a man with an extremely unnatural body, declares that Sumo will now be ruled by muscle alone! But what is the truth behind Leviathan\'s body? A mysterious light sci-fi sumo manga that may just make you cry!