Mystery - Page 41

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The Black Museum: Crescent Moon, Dance With The Monster

The 3rd from the "Kuro Hakubutsukan" series, after "Springald" and "Ghost and Lady."


Adashino Kishokan

Adashino Kishokan summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Adashino Kishokan. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Guardians of the Light

Light Calendar year 2045. A world where the coastline has been greatly submerged under the sea. A young man named Yukari Fujikura is attacked by the sea monster known as “Suika” on his quest to find his missing grandfather. In this life-threatening situation, his savior comes in the form of the embodiment of light, the “Guardian of the Light,” who resides within a lighthouse. Joining the organization known as the “Pilgrimage Agency,” an organization that fights against the Suika, Yukari sets out on a journey around the lighthouses alongside his superiors, Sen Nakazawa and Akiko Douke. Their ultimate goal is to save the future of the world…


Hone Hime Rosalie: Shisha no Saigo o Tsuitai-ken Shi, Chikara o Hikitsugu

Rosalie, a girl capable of communicating with the dead, is ostracized by society due to her unique ability. She lives in isolation, working as an investigator who gleans critical information from the deceased unearthed in ancient ruins. Her life takes a dramatic turn when she encounters the remains of Hugo, a once-legendary death knight. Through their connection, she inherits his extraordinary powers. This marks the beginning of her journey as \"Bone Princess,\" a figure destined to influence the world. The story blends supernatural mystery with epic fantasy, focusing on themes of acceptance, legacy, and the power of understanding the past.


The Urban Miracle Doctor

Lin Xiu returned to civilization confident and proud after training with a master who cannot be named on a celestial island cut off from the real world. In his quest to uphold justice, he courageously picks fights with elites in the community wreaking havoc among the rich and the powerful. Be it ghosts, spirits, or seniors of the daoist association, he is fearless. Will the little girl Xiao Tong stay a little girl as she accompanies him on his journey to track down the rest of his friends from the orphanage they once shared? Are you dissatisfied? Do you consider yourself one of the strongest? 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Hyakki Yakoushou

Ritsu inherited his sixth sense from his grandfather, along with a demon guardian named Blue Storm. Strange things just seem to happen around these two, and it's left to them to get to the bottom of all these mysterious events. Each story is independent but features recurring characters you'll come to know and appreciate as they, each in their own way, try to deal with things 'not of this world'. Note: Won the Excellence Prize of manga section of Japan Media Arts Festival in 2006.


$100 is Too Cheap

Petey is a bounty hunter in a time and place full of bounty hunters. The criminals are outnumbered by the bounty hunters and whenever a wanted poster is posted, it doesn't stay up for long. Except for one... there's one wanted posted with a negative bounty and no one wants to catch this criminal. But Petey is curious and she seeks the help of a mystery solver...


Mayonaka no Acchimono

In the Mayonaka no Acchimono series: Vol.1 - Mayonaka no Acchimono 1. Mayonaka no Acchimono Xiuhtecuhtli, a beautiful God of fire, saves Leutscheka's (a "goat" monster) life and transforms his form. 2. Love-Hate Tsubaki, an old Xiuhtecuhtli's acquaintance, shows up at Leutscheka and Xiuhtecuhtli place. 3-4. Utsuho no Koiji Mori, a presence-less orphan, Katabami, his protective older neighbour, and people disappearing mysteriously in the neighbourhood. 5. Kyuujitsu no Imi Extra. Xiuhtecuhtli enjoys a day off. Vol. 2 - Acchimono no Konwaku 1. Acchimono no Toubou Continuation of Leutscheka and Xiuhtecuhtli story. 2. Lamentation Leutscheka and Xiuhtecuhtli meet snow queen. 3. Acchimono Kikan 4. Kocchimono no Konwaku Story of fire demon Tsubaki and a mortal. 5. Ituska no Yume A nephew is worried that his uncle wont love him any more when he will grow up. 6. Hige no Wake Hige is wondering why Goat form of Leutscheka has a beard. 7. Attimono no Ounou Xiuhtecuhtli is going to celebrate a birthday?!? 8. Acchi to Kocchi Extras


Teizokurei Monophobia

Houdzuki Maika is a high school girl who, in a sense, is never alone. Her twin brother Maito, who could not survive birth, lives inside of her and shares her body. They switch between who gets to live each day and they share most of their memories. However, the only times they get to see and talk to each other is when they are both asleep, where they share the same dream. Perhaps as a result of this supernatural existence, they have the ability to see ghosts. These twins will surely face many mysterious events ahead!


Mishiranu Machi

Stories included in this volume: 1. Mishiranu Machi (見知らぬ街) (Date:1989) A group of teenagers went on a summer holiday and had a car accident. The woke up and found the whole city was empty. How can they escape the eerie place? But more importantly, can they really all go back? Note: It has been suggested that MATSUMOTO Yoko traced some of her panels of this stroy from Birthday Present (MIYAWAKI Akiko). 2. Youkoso Mystery Tour e (ようこそミステリーツアーへ) In the summer holiday, a 15 year old girl Kana went on a vacation on an island, when a certain hotel giving out invitation to join a treasure hunt event with only a ridiculously impossible map to read. With a group of four along with her cousin Riku who can't handle transportation, her little brother Takashi who likes mystery and her brother's girlfriend Natsuki, the group join the event, meeting suspicious people and witnessing unexplainable occurences. Can they find the treasure? Is there any hidden agenda from the hotel owner by making such an event? 3. A wa Akuma no A (アは悪魔のア) An almost dead man entrusted a Devil statue to Riku, a 15 year old boy. Before they realized, Kana, Riku, Takashi and Natsuki were already involved in an adventure involving antiques, cops, a devil in disguise, an angel in custody, and a cold blooded killer.



In a forest on a mountain, a class is out on excursion. A girl strays from her group and meets a witch. She escapes, but when she groups up with her classmates no one believes her, except for her best friend. After the class returns to the mountain for a reunion after graduating, old memories resurface. Why does the girl still insist she saw a witch? Does she really believe it herself? From solelo: A witch named Baba-yaga lives deep in the forest. If you’re a good kid, she might save you on a whim. If you’re a bad kid, she’ll devour you.


Like Someone in Love

Ai Jiaqi, a housewife, swapped souls with a wealthy daughter. She uses the identity of Yan Mo to fight a scumbag, catch a traitor, and intrigue her wealthy family through personal breakthroughs.
