The story centers on Minemori Kotoha, a woman who has been offered work at Suma Research Company "Anti-Detective Section," and Sasaki Rena, its only investigator. This section focuses on rooting out corrupt detectives and removing them from their positions. While the two women spend their days investigating crooked cops, a new criminal is beginning to make his move...
Bokura no Kiseki ~Another Stories~ is a volume featuring three sides stories for Bokura no Kiseki along with a few other works (mostly previously published in Arcana) by the author, Kumeta Natsuo. The volume was published in July 2018, a couple months after volume 18 of Bokura no Kiseki. Another story #1 also appeared in the July 2018 issue of Comic ZERO-SUM alongside Bokura no Kiseki ch. 75.
"Don't worry, I won't harm you."Gaeun is enjoying her perfect high school life until she encounters Haeun, her identical twin. Except she doesn't have a twin. Things start getting strange when everyone behaves as though Haeun has always existed, including Gaeun's own family. Now, Gaeun must defend her identity from this imposter.The Imposter, Desiring Me, You Want Me, , mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.
The Sea Kingdom was invaded by the Totsusa Kingdom, but Wadanohara and her familiars managed to hold them back. The two princesses faced off with one another -- and suddenly the two kingdoms were at peace. The war was seemingly over.... However, Wadanohara's original familiar, Samekichi, was thinking. "Wadanohara.. I will definitely... protect you." What are his true intentions? All will be revealed soon.
Veteran Liu Yi suffered an air crash and was exiled on a deserted island, killing wild boars and fighting savages for his livelihood. Unexpectedly, the beautiful empty sisters, the sexy mixed-race beauties, and the gentle kindergarten teachers threw themselves into their arms one after another. Liu Yi expressed that he really wanted to live a good life! Who knows what will happen in the future if she accidentally accepts the inheritance of the god king?
The era of the anonymous hero has ended, and the world's protectors - the Magical Girls - now live their lives in near celebrity status. But it turns out these protectors are really school bullies in their everyday lives. One day, a new, never-before-seen Magical Girl appears with a proclamation of war against the original Magical Girls! With imagery reminiscent to your favorite planetary protectors, Miss Guillotine promises nostalgic visuals with a dark premise
Her best friend tried to kill herself, but why? In order to find out the truth, the protagonist meticulously crafts a revenge plot to make all the culprits and their accomplices pay!
In a country that rejects magic, Mueller. Kate was working as a maid in the countryside. One day, a suspicious servant comes in to Dale M, the artist she works for...
Who am I really?” Due to a traffic accident 18-year-old heroine Yuki Hinata lost her memory. To her who lives well without taking care of that. One day, a strange event begins to fall. A strange diary placed in a room that doesnt belong to her... A strange handsome guy who suddenly talks to her... And an abnormal constitution that always falls asleep "at a fixed time" ... Mystery deepens and love is born.
College student Seiji Kitou and his friends go to an abandoned building as a test of courage, and meet an attractive woman who is a monster that swiftly kills and eats people as soon as she meets them. While trying to escape, Seiji is saved by a mysterious woman with the same ability, Kiri.
Satsuki, a boy high school boy and his childhood friend are riding in an underground train until it suddenly stops. Upon closer inspection the denizens of the train discover a mysterious beast! Panic sets in as the passengers struggle to survive the beast and escape to the surface.
energy is coming back into the world, and ghosts are running rampant. An ordinary young man, Fang Zheng, chances upon a scripture of human skin that can perform miraculous things. The Gray Qi the scripture uses to upgrade objects also has strange origins. In order to survive in this world of ghosts, Fang Zheng takes a giant step onto a road filled with hilarious ghost-busting capers. Shearing wool from the body of a ghost, carrying out a demolition at the scene of a murder… It’s horrifying and humorous — and you’ll laugh as you scream!