Ex-policeman Kanetsugu Nawa is a model prisoner, imprisoned for murder and attempted murder in an act of revenge for his late wife and daughter. After being released on parole and shunned by his only remaining family, he returns to the only thing he has left; his revenge. A strange young girl follows him upon his release, seemingly with an ulterior motive...
Ao Minato, a young man who killed his father-in-law who repeatedly abused his family and entered a juvenile reformatory. However, the sister who should have protected committed suicide at the end of suffering, and her sister Akane is also missing. Ao, who arrived at a certain shrine, wished for the safety of his sister, which is the only hope left, and swears to God that he will do anything for that ... The blockbuster panic suspense \"Massacre Happy Ending\". The new chapter is finally opening---.
Continuing in the same vein as previous installments, a new collection of \"everyday horror\" vignettes.
Saeko is happy. Even if she is poor, even if she has no education, even if she is a single mother. As long as she has her only daughter, Yui. Beautiful Saeko dotes on her ugly daughter, who looks nothing like her, and today as well, she gathers happiness for her daughter by any means necessary.
In the beginning, there was a box. At the end of the forbidden millennium, the world was engulfed in hope and despair, and everyone said, \"Never open that box.\" “I wish I could meet other humans.” That is the secret wish of Ria Frontier, who grew up as the sole human amid a veritable melting pot of other fantastical races on a small island. As she prepares to celebrate the turn of the thousand-year cycle, that wish is granted—in the form of a war party of humans that arrives on a flying ship to ransack her home and hurt her friends and adoptive family in search of “Pandora’s Box.” Pushed too far by the cruelty of her race, Ria somehow manages to unseal the terrible power of what the humans have been looking for, unleashing a tragedy that will change her life forever... Can the girl, Ria, thwart her twisted fate? The apocalypse fantasy of hope and despair, begins!
In the year 2045 A.D., Earth is invaded by four different worlds. To defend the planet, one must conquer the dungeons connected to each of these other worlds. Each country selects \'explorers\' to take on this task, and Gunma, an ordinary man chosen in Japan, is suddenly thrown into the front lines of the attack! Scared and over-equipped, he activates his \'listening ear\' and \'enemy searching\' skills. Then, he encounters the strongest and most beautiful girl in all of mankind! While being pushed around by the girl, who is too strong for her own good but has a tofu mentality, he rushes through the dungeon at breakneck speed... This is an unprecedented dungeon fantasy that loosely knocks down everything!
\"My name is Gen Kurosu, and as long as I stand, the Victory Flag will never fly over the heads of the Red Army! The machines roar and blood sprays! My name is Gen Kurosu!\" Motocross is a sport in which contestants race for fame on steel horses through rugged, rough terrain. The essence of motocross is the struggle against the harsh nature and oneself. This is the story of a lone warrior who, despite being called \"Stupid Don Quixote,\" stands in the way of the \"Red Army,\" the most powerful motocross team in Japan, which has achieved an undefeated record of 150 victories in a single year. This is the memorable first serial publication of manga master Tetsuo Hara!
A boy killed by his superhero idol, then he decided to become a Dark Walker. \"Saving the world by destroying the world\"
In this City, gangs of cyborgs are fighting, corporations are vying for power, cyber psychos are brandishing cyber katans ... stop. This is already overkill. We just want to tell you the stories of ordinary people, living in a world of absolute militarism. We hope you have fun ;-)
Sawyer is a cleaner who takes on the task of disposing of unwanted people in Roanapur, a city of vice where the mafia and other scoundrels thrive. Her daily life is depicted in a funny, sometimes horror-filled, sometimes action-packed, and even fantastical way as she goes about her work with her beloved chainsaw in hand. Her good friends and fellow freelancers Shenhua and Lotton, as well as familiar characters from the main story, such as Revy and Rock, also make appearances!
Zuo Ying, a once-renowned criminal investigation expert at Huanyang University and a prominent figure in the legal community, was brought to trial by her own daughter, Zuo Yang, who accused her of crimes. Just as Zuo Ying was about to be sentenced to death, the court abruptly changed her sentence, ordering her to be confined in an insane asylum instead. Due to her success in solving this case, Zuo Yang was promoted rapidly. However, soon after, a series of murders broke out in the city, and unable to solve the cases, she was forced to seek her mother\'s assistance. Facing her mother, who had once brought her love but now only left behind a complicated and indescribable mix of emotions, Zuo Yang felt a thin layer of sweat form on her cheeks. \"My darling daughter, if all it takes is a little pleading to get my help, why not?\" Zuo Ying said, glancing at the newspaper in her hand, squinting as she smiled. The shackles on her hands were so conspicuous—who really was the caged bird here?